[ChiPy-announce] ChiPy October 13th __main__ meeting
Joe Jasinski
joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 09:38:43 EDT 2022
Hi Chipy,
We have a great October 13th meeting planned for this month. This is your
reminder to sign up if you haven't already. We have three great talks
planned for this month!
Thank you to SpotHero for hosting us this month. See you all there!
When: Oct. 13, 2022, 6 p.m.
Where: SpotHero
125 S Clark St #1300, Chicago, IL 60603
Registration for this event will close on Thursday October 13 at 12:00 p.m.
RSVP here
- What's new in Python 3.11
By: Phil Robare
The Python core developers keep pushing out new functionality every six
months. Python 3.6 just went out of support and Python 3.11 is in
pre-release. This talk will look at the new features promised for 3.11 and
maybe provide some opinionated views on their usefulness or their potential
to make Python code harder to understand.
- Life without pip install 😱
By: Aly Sivji
The world has lost the ability to pip install... What do we do?!?! This
talk explores a hypothetical Doomsday Scenario where the Python Package
Index has gone offline. We examine three ways we can import libraries we
have not installed.
After this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what
happens when a package is imported into Python.
- Introduction to dependency injection and testable code
By: Adrian Garcia Badaracco
Isn't dependency injection a Java thing? Not really!
Have you used Pytest? Fixtures are a form of dependency injection. What
about just passing in a file-like object to `json.load`? Also dependency
injection! There's also FastAPI, one of the most popular Python web
frameworks nowadays, that has dependency injection as one of its key
You see, dependency injection is very widespread in the Python world, it
just looks so natural because of the lack of a `new` keyword and
first-class function support that you might not even know you are using the
technique. Nonetheless it can help to be aware of the theory and jargon
around it, which is what we'll explore in this talk by way of a joint
refactoring exercise.
For more information and to sign up, please* RSVP at chipy.org
<http://chipy.org/>. *
Thank you very much to our sponsors including
*Gold Sponsors:* SpotHero
*Silver Sponsors:* Braintree, JFrog, and Zoro
*Bronze Sponsors*: Foxtrot
Please be aware of our code of conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/
Engage with ChiPy
Website: https://www.chipy.org/
Slack: https://joinchipyslack.herokuapp.com/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/
Github: https://github.com/chicagopython/chipy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicagopython
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT372EAC1orBOSUd2fsA8WA
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