[ChiPy-announce] ChiPy August 2024 __Main__ Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 09:37:53 EDT 2024

Hi ChiPy,

We have a great __main__ meeting planned for this week. We have some great
talks by Paul Zuradzki and Naomi Ceder. Please RSVP and join us!

Thank you to Slalom Build <https://www.slalombuild.com/> for hosting us!


*When*: Aug. 8, 2024, 6 p.m.
6:00 pm *- *doors open; food
6:30 pm - talks start

Slalom Build
200 E Randolph St, Suite 3800 Chicago, IL 60601

*Directions:*Please RSVP and bring a photo id for check in.


   - *Package and Share Your Python Code Like a Pro*
   By: Paul Zuradzki

   Have you ever struggled with making your Python scripts reproducible? Do
   you want another project to be able to use your code without forcing users
   to copy your files?

   Ever get stumped by these errors:
   ImportError: No module named MyPackage
   ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

   If yes, then this talk is for you!

   We will talk about
   - Python module search path basics
   - Learn to make a pip-installable package with automated code quality
   tools. Introducing `pyproject.toml` and `setup.py`.
   - Installing a Python package from zip, GitHub, or PyPI
   - Introduce a minimal GitHub Actions workflow file and pre-commits.
   - Introduce code quality tools for linting, formatting, type checking,
   and testing (pytest, black, mypy, ruff). We won't go into the details of
   each, but we will show how to run these tools in an automated fashion.
   - *The truth about objects*
   By: Naomi Ceder

   “Everything in Python is an object.” This is a profound truth about
   Python, but what does it mean? Is literally EVERYTHING an object? And what
   is an object anyway? Are objects the same as instances of a class? How do
   classes and types really work in Python? And what do metaclasses have to do
   with anything?

   In fact, the answers to these questions are probably not what you think
   they are - Python’s approach to objects is different from most other
   languages in sometimes surprising ways.

   This talk will use simple live coded examples to explore how objects
   work in Python and clear up several common misconceptions and
   misunderstandings about how objects and instances, classes and types, and
   metaclasses all work together.

   Be warned - you are likely to be surprised when you learn the truth
   about objects in Python.

Thank you very much to our sponsors including

*Gold Sponsors:* SpotHero
*Silver Sponsors:* Braintree, JFrog, and Zoro
*Bronze Sponsors*: Foxtrot

Please be aware of our code of conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/

Engage with ChiPy
Website: https://www.chipy.org/
Slack: https://joinchipyslack.herokuapp.com/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/
Github: https://github.com/chicagopython/chipy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicagopython
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT372EAC1orBOSUd2fsA8WA

If you'd like to speak at ChiPy, please submit a talk here:
If you'd like to host a ChiPy meeting, please refer to this guide:
If you'd like to sponsor ChiPy, please see here:
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