[CI-Announce] Inter|National Series Weekend 2 Opens Tonight

Seattle International Dance Festival info at SeattleIDF.org
Fri Jun 20 23:58:59 CEST 2014

Weekend 2 of Inter|National Series Opens

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** Inter|National Series - Weekend 2

Tonight the second weekend of the SIDF Inter|National Series kicks off with performances by Summet Nagdev Dance Arts from Mumbai, India and a festival commission bringing Ballet and B-Boy/Breakdance together with a collaboration between Ezra Thomson of Pacific Northwest Ballet and Jerome Aparis with the Massive Monkeees.

Saturday and Sunday, finishing off the series and the festival is Nicole Bindler and Gabrielle Revlock from Philadelphia with their witty work poking fun at contemporary dance, "I made this dance for you." The Philadelphia duo incorporates hoards of community members and even a dog and shares the evening with Cristina Lillienfeld, presenting a much more intimate and vulnerable work about the image of women's bodies in society. Both pieces contain nudity.

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Crosscut (http://KhambattaDance.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb3973a4a6a90ff9a6aad2a6a&id=8aa3fa9bae&e=f50fded2c2)
Seattle Times Preview (http://KhambattaDance.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb3973a4a6a90ff9a6aad2a6a&id=54a636e54c&e=f50fded2c2)
Seattle Time Review (http://KhambattaDance.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb3973a4a6a90ff9a6aad2a6a&id=14cb9ab03d&e=f50fded2c2)

** SIDF and Power2give

** Contemporary Dance today
SIDF has teamed up with ArtsFund so you can donate to the festival through power2give and your donation will be matched 100%. The festival brings international artists to Seattle and supports the work of over  a hundred local artists each year, creating a cultural and artistic mecca for ten days that is unique and unparalleled for Seattle. But we need your help to make it happen! Double your donation today.
Visit our Power2give site here (http://KhambattaDance.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eb3973a4a6a90ff9a6aad2a6a&id=0d7ed5e67e&e=f50fded2c2)

** 2014 ARTISTS

Khambatta Dance Company (WA)
Experimentus (Brazil)
Ezra Thomson (PNB)
Jerome Aparis (WA)
Massive Monkees (WA)
Jimu Makurumbandi (Zimbabwe)
Chevere (China/Peru)
Version Excursion (WA)
Re:Flexion Dance (WA/Germany)
Gabrielle Revlock (PA)
Nicole Bindler (PA)
Cristina Lilienfeld (Romania)


3rd Shift Dance
Alia Swersky
Badmarmar Dance
Bianca Cabrera
Colleen McNeary
Emily Sferra
Jody Kuehner
Ktisk Dance
Liliana Koledin
Markeith Wiley
Maya Soto
Suzanna and Friends
Tyler P. Wardwell


Daniel Zook
Collectif Random
Corina Dalzell
DeadPan Monkeys
Jeremy Cline
Kontagious Movement
Marlo Martin/badmarmar
Massive Monkeys
Melody Xie
Philippa Myler
Redding City Ballet
Suzanna & Friends
and more coming…

Photo credit (l-r): Cristina Lilienfeld, Ezra Thomson, Coriolis Dance, Experimentus by Barbara Cariry, Chevere, Maya Soto, Version Excursion, Revlock and Bindler by David Dowling, Sumeet Nagdev by Priyanka Desai and Jody Kuehner by Eric Paguio.

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Khambatta Dance Company
5609 34th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126
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