[code-quality] pylint unit tests?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Jul 4 00:29:17 CEST 2013

I'm struggling trying to get a clean test run in my local pylint repo.  At
the moment, I have one small checker function, whose call I have commented
out, and have reverted all edits to the test inputs.  When I run

./fulltest.sh 2.7

on my Mac, I get a lot of output, ending with this:

Ran 528 test cases in 61.66s (54.36s CPU), 17 failures, 5 skipped
10 modules OK (2 failed)

Is that the expected baseline unit test output from the current default
branch?  Reading in contribute.rst I got the impression that the unit tests
should run cleanly.


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