[code-quality] Request For Comments: Moving Flake8 development to Git

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Sep 13 09:52:15 CEST 2014

Sylvain Thénault
<sylvain.thenault at logilab.fr> writes:

> On 12 septembre 08:18, Carl Crowder wrote:
> > I think it's a good idea. I personally dislike contributing to
> > hg-based projects because it's such a faff for me compared to using
> > git, and I wouldn't be surprised if others are put off contributing
> > for a similar reason (not that I'm saying the reason is good, I'm just
> > lazy!)
> Isn't this rather a question of platform - github vs bitbucket ?

No, using Git doesn't imply GitHub hosting. Likewise, using Mercurial
doesn't imply Bitbucket hosting.

I think it's a better idea to host a repository on something like a
Gitorious instance, since it avoids proprietary extensions (such as
those of GitHub) to ensure there's no lock-in to a specific provider.

So please, mke the decision of which VCS *system* independent of which
*hosting service*. And please choose a hosting service without
proprietary extensions.

> On the command line tool side, I personnaly feel like mercurial is
> easier for newcomers. On the other hand, for power user, the hg+evolve
> workflow is very powerful. Ok, I'm biased since I know more about hg
> than git ;)

I certainly agree that Mercurial is much more straightforward on the
command line than Git.

 \         “People's Front To Reunite Gondwanaland: Stop the Laurasian |
  `\              Separatist Movement!” —wiredog, http://kuro5hin.org/ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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