[code-quality] Pylint -- so which is it?

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Apr 4 13:24:45 EDT 2017

Stephen Satchell <list at satchell.net> writes:

> I have a python2.7 project, and when I run PyLint 1.5.2, astroid 1.3.3

I have::

    $ pylint --version
    No config file found, using default configuration
    pylint 1.6.5,
    astroid 1.4.9
    Python 2.7.13 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:48:08)
    [GCC 6.3.0 20170118]

> When I have:
>     import logging
>     import pexpct
>     import re
>     import time
> I get messages about wrong import order, specifically that re and time
> comes after pexpect.

You've got a different name than ‘pexpect’, there. I wonder whether you
actually tried that code?

When I correct the name to ‘pexpect’, I get::

    $ cat foo.py
    import logging
    import pexpect
    import re
    import time

    $ pylint foo.py
    No config file found, using default configuration
    ************* Module foo
    C:  1, 0: Black listed name "foo" (blacklisted-name)
    C:  1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
    W:  1, 0: Unused import logging (unused-import)
    W:  2, 0: Unused import pexpect (unused-import)
    W:  3, 0: Unused import re (unused-import)
    W:  4, 0: Unused import time (unused-import)
    C:  3, 0: standard import "import re" comes before "import pexpect" (wrong-import-order)
    C:  4, 0: standard import "import time" comes before "import pexpect" (wrong-import-order)

> OK, apply the obvious fix:
>     import logging
>     import re
>     import time
>     import pexect
> and now the diagnostics I get are "standard import "re" comes before
> "pexpect". ditto "time".

Again, a different name from ‘pexpect’. Did you actually try that code?

When I correct the name to ‘pexpect’, I get::

    $ cat bar.py
    import logging
    import re
    import time

    import pexpect

    $ pylint bar.py
    No config file found, using default configuration
    ************* Module bar
    C:  1, 0: Black listed name "bar" (blacklisted-name)
    C:  1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
    W:  1, 0: Unused import logging (unused-import)
    W:  2, 0: Unused import re (unused-import)
    W:  3, 0: Unused import time (unused-import)
    W:  5, 0: Unused import pexpect (unused-import)

> So how do I fix this, other than abandoning programming and take up
> advanced backet-weaving as a profession? :)

I suspect the problem is related to something you're not showing us,
because the code you showed does not produce the problem you described.

Please make an extremely minimal example – like the ones you've shown
here – that you actually run and demonstrate the problem behaviour.

 \         “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all |
  `\    others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking |
_o__)              power called an idea” —Thomas Jefferson, 1813-08-13 |
Ben Finney

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