[code-quality] SnekChek - Python Linter wrapper

Martmists martmists at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 12:41:17 EST 2018

Hello members of PyCQA,

I am martmists, current owner of the IzunaDevs organization, and I'm
currently working on a library called SnekChek (which you can find here
I was wondering if you were interested in taking over this package to your
repository with me as main contributor, as I will keep updating this
package as time goes by (unlike coala or ciocheck) while also supporting as
many linters/checkers as possible.

I'm also interested in what kind of input you guys have for me, as this is
the first time I'm writing a wrapper for these things and I'm not sure if
I'm doing it the correct way.

I look forward to hearing your response.
~ Martmists
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