From  Wed Feb  9 00:20:04 2000
From: (Ian Bicking)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 19:20:04 -0500
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
Message-ID: <20000208192004.B307@localhost>

I'm interested in making Python run in MUQ <>.  I
was hoping to take the parser from Python and simply retarget the
compiler.  I know there are people who would like to do the same
for Guile.

I've been reading through the source in Python-1.5.2/Parser, but
I was hoping to get a little help about where the border between
the compiler and the parser is.  Just a few pointers as to the
functions and datastructures that lie around that border, to
give me a place to start from.


Ian Bicking         / 4869 N. Talman Ave. Apt. G, Chicago, IL 60625 /

From  Wed Feb  9 17:56:02 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:56:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
In-Reply-To: <641773080@toto.iv>
Message-ID: <>

Congratulations!  You've sent the first message on the compiler-sig.
I have been meaning to announce the sig on the main list and get
things started here, but I've been busy with other things.

>>>>> "IB" == Ian Bicking <> writes:

  IB> I'm interested in making Python run in MUQ <>.
  IB> I was hoping to take the parser from Python and simply retarget
  IB> the compiler.  I know there are people who would like to do the
  IB> same for Guile.

What is MUQ?  I assume it is something that you want to generate code
for, but I'm not familiar with it.  The Web page says something about
virtual worlds, so I'm a bit puzzled.

There was some discussion at SPAM8 on generating Scheme code from
Python.  Personally, I think MzScheme is a better platform than

  IB> I've been reading through the source in Python-1.5.2/Parser, but
  IB> I was hoping to get a little help about where the border between
  IB> the compiler and the parser is.  Just a few pointers as to the
  IB> functions and datastructures that lie around that border, to
  IB> give me a place to start from.

The border between the parser and compiler is one of the key issues
we need to sort out.  The Python compiler (Python/compile.c) uses the
concrete parse tree generated by the parser.  The parser is generated
from Grammar/Grammer using pgen.  The compiler is a bit hard to read
because it's referencing the parse tree nodes used integer indexes.

I'm working on a Python compiler written in Python; it generates
essentially the same bytecode as compile.c, but it uses an abstract
syntax tree and it is a bit more readable.  The AST I'm using is the
one from Python2C (P2C?).  You can get it from the p2c CVS repository.
(I can't find a URL for it; perhaps Bill or Greg can point us at it.)
The AST is produced using the builtin Python parser;  the transformer
module in p2c gets a parse tree using the parser module and converts
into an AST.  I think this is a good starting point for developing a
compiler for a different target.

I expect to propose some changes to the AST when I'm done with the
compiler.  It looks like nodes like Add, Mul, & Sub should be combined
into a BinaryOp node, and UnaryAdd, UnarySub, etc. should become
UnaryOp.  I'm going to wait until I've got a working version before I
make too much noise about these changes though.  I also plan to write
a new parser for JPython, using ANTLR to directly produce the AST.  I
imagine that will also improve my perspective on the right AST.

I hope to have a snapshot of my code available from the Python CVS
server early next week.


From  Sat Feb 12 19:43:59 2000
From: (Ian Bicking)
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 14:43:59 -0500
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 12:56:02PM -0500
References: <641773080@toto.iv> <>
Message-ID: <20000212144359.A402@localhost>

I was disapointed when I didn't get a response, then it turns out I
had just lost the email in the shuffle.  Well, that's a pleasant
surprise.  Anyway...

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 12:56:02PM -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> Congratulations!  You've sent the first message on the compiler-sig.
> I have been meaning to announce the sig on the main list and get
> things started here, but I've been busy with other things.
> >>>>> "IB" == Ian Bicking <> writes:
>   IB> I'm interested in making Python run in MUQ <>.
>   IB> I was hoping to take the parser from Python and simply retarget
>   IB> the compiler.  I know there are people who would like to do the
>   IB> same for Guile.
> What is MUQ?  I assume it is something that you want to generate code
> for, but I'm not familiar with it.  The Web page says something about
> virtual worlds, so I'm a bit puzzled.

The intention of MUQ is something for making MUDs, but really it's a
persistent programming environment which could be used for MUDs, but
is considerably more general than that.  It already has a few syntaxes
that compile to its bytecodes -- forth and lisp being the most
natural translations.  The C translation doesn't, well, act much like
C at all.  Which made me think that Python syntax for it would almost
have Python semantics, and provide something more C like than lisp or

> There was some discussion at SPAM8 on generating Scheme code from
> Python.  Personally, I think MzScheme is a better platform than
> Guile.

That's possible -- I only mentioned Guile because I know there are
people involved with Guile who are interested in this.  Are there 
archives for the SPAM8 list that I can read?

>   IB> I've been reading through the source in Python-1.5.2/Parser, but
>   IB> I was hoping to get a little help about where the border between
>   IB> the compiler and the parser is.  Just a few pointers as to the
>   IB> functions and datastructures that lie around that border, to
>   IB> give me a place to start from.
> The border between the parser and compiler is one of the key issues
> we need to sort out.  The Python compiler (Python/compile.c) uses the
> concrete parse tree generated by the parser.  The parser is generated
> from Grammar/Grammer using pgen.  The compiler is a bit hard to read
> because it's referencing the parse tree nodes used integer indexes.

I'm afraid my knowledge of parsing/compiling is a little narrow, so
I'm not familiar with the distinction between concrete and abstract
parse trees.  But then, I've always tried to fudge my way through
parsing, and this is just another case of that since I'm really just
hoping to figure out how to *use* the already exist parser(s) rather
than implement one.  I guess I should learn a little more about these
things.  [and, having just looked up the definition, I can see why
an abstract syntax would be much more useful]

The output from the parser module in Python creates something more
of a concrete parse tree, doesn't it?  It's called an AST, but it
seems to include things like NEWLINE, which seems rather concrete.

> I'm working on a Python compiler written in Python; it generates
> essentially the same bytecode as compile.c, but it uses an abstract
> syntax tree and it is a bit more readable.  The AST I'm using is the
> one from Python2C (P2C?).  You can get it from the p2c CVS repository.
> (I can't find a URL for it; perhaps Bill or Greg can point us at it.)
> The AST is produced using the builtin Python parser;  the transformer
> module in p2c gets a parse tree using the parser module and converts
> into an AST.  I think this is a good starting point for developing a
> compiler for a different target.

I'll definately be looking into this.  What I'd idealy like to do is
to seperate off the parser and make it possible to compile it into
a little C program that can print out the parse tree.  That way I'd
know I had it figured out enough to use, and I think some other
people who'd like to use this (as I mentioned with Guile) would find
that an easy place to start from.

> I expect to propose some changes to the AST when I'm done with the
> compiler.  It looks like nodes like Add, Mul, & Sub should be combined
> into a BinaryOp node, and UnaryAdd, UnarySub, etc. should become
> UnaryOp.  I'm going to wait until I've got a working version before I
> make too much noise about these changes though.  I also plan to write
> a new parser for JPython, using ANTLR to directly produce the AST.  I
> imagine that will also improve my perspective on the right AST.
> I hope to have a snapshot of my code available from the Python CVS
> server early next week.

Ian Bicking         / 4869 N. Talman Ave. Apt. G, Chicago, IL 60625 /

From Fredrik Lundh" <  Sun Feb 13 10:29:23 2000
From: Fredrik Lundh" < (Fredrik Lundh)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 11:29:23 +0100
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
References: <641773080@toto.iv> <> <20000212144359.A402@localhost>
Message-ID: <00f101bf760d$3519d100$34aab5d4@hagrid>

Ian Bicking wrote:
> > There was some discussion at SPAM8 on generating Scheme code from
> > Python.  Personally, I think MzScheme is a better platform than
> > Guile.
> That's possible -- I only mentioned Guile because I know there are
> people involved with Guile who are interested in this.  Are there=20
> archives for the SPAM8 list that I can read?

I think jeremy was referring to the eighth international
python conference (ipc8 aka. spam8).  so I'm afraid the
answer is "no, not really".


From  Sun Feb 13 17:38:20 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:38:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
In-Reply-To: <00f101bf760d$3519d100$34aab5d4@hagrid>
References: <641773080@toto.iv>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "FL" == Fredrik Lundh <> writes:

  FL> Ian Bicking wrote:
  >> > There was some discussion at SPAM8 on generating Scheme code
  >> from > Python.  Personally, I think MzScheme is a better platform
  >> than > Guile.
  >> That's possible -- I only mentioned Guile because I know there
  >> are people involved with Guile who are interested in this.  Are
  >> there archives for the SPAM8 list that I can read?

  FL> I think jeremy was referring to the eighth international python
  FL> conference (ipc8 aka. spam8).  so I'm afraid the answer is "no,
  FL> not really".

Some of the discussion may have made into Ping's session notes.  Check
the compiler-sig page.  There wasn't a lot of content, merely the
observation that it might be a useful project.


From  Sun Feb 13 17:39:41 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 12:39:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser
In-Reply-To: <20000212144359.A402@localhost>
References: <641773080@toto.iv>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "IB" == Ian Bicking <> writes:

  IB> I've been reading through the source in Python-1.5.2/Parser, but
  IB> I was hoping to get a little help about where the border between
  IB> the compiler and the parser is.  Just a few pointers as to the
  IB> functions and datastructures that lie around that border, to
  IB> give me a place to start from.
  >>  The border between the parser and compiler is one of the key
  >> issues we need to sort out.  The Python compiler
  >> (Python/compile.c) uses the concrete parse tree generated by the
  >> parser.  The parser is generated from Grammar/Grammer using pgen.
  >> The compiler is a bit hard to read because it's referencing the
  >> parse tree nodes used integer indexes.

  IB> I'm afraid my knowledge of parsing/compiling is a little narrow,
  IB> so I'm not familiar with the distinction between concrete and
  IB> abstract parse trees.  But then, I've always tried to fudge my
  IB> way through parsing, and this is just another case of that since
  IB> I'm really just hoping to figure out how to *use* the already
  IB> exist parser(s) rather than implement one.  I guess I should
  IB> learn a little more about these things.  [and, having just
  IB> looked up the definition, I can see why an abstract syntax would
  IB> be much more useful]

  IB> The output from the parser module in Python creates something
  IB> more of a concrete parse tree, doesn't it?  It's called an AST,
  IB> but it seems to include things like NEWLINE, which seems rather
  IB> concrete.

You've got it exactly.  The concrete syntax includes things like
newlines and parens.  The abstract syntax does not.


From  Sun Feb 13 19:26:46 2000
From: (Dirk Heise)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 20:26:46 +0100
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Python in Python - Great Idea!
Message-ID: <>

I just discovered this list. Great thing!
Writing a Python implementation in Python
is the coolest idea i heard of for a long time!

One question:
Will it offer the possibilities of Stackless
Python? That means, "freeze" the interpreter
state at any time?


From (Skip Montanaro)  Tue Feb 15 19:50:29 2000
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:50:29 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Availability of my peephole optimizer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[ moved from the python-checkins list to compiler-sig and re-subjected ... ]

    Fred> You're right, it *should* be there.  5+.5j should be a constant as
    Fred> well.

Funny thing.  My peepholer does that too.

Jeremy sent me a message earlier asking if my peephole optimizer was
available as something other than a patch.  I'll try and whip it into a bit
better shape and bring it into line with the current CVS code and make it
available as a more-or-less package.  In places where existing code is
modified (e.g. ceval.c, compile.c, I think it makes more sense to
distribute a patch than a new file, however, since patches stand a better
chance of being robust in the face of other changes.

Is Greg Ward or other distutils expert seeing this (how about Greg
Stein...)?  If so, would you care to comment on the ability of distutils to
handle patches to the core distribution?  Is it worth considering making
this stuff available via distutils at this point given that it requires mods
to so many files in the core distribution?

Skip Montanaro | |
"Languages that change by catering to the tastes of non-users tend not to do
so well." - Doug Landauer

From  Tue Feb 15 20:11:09 2000
From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:11:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Re: Availability of my peephole optimizer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > Is Greg Ward or other distutils expert seeing this (how about Greg
 > Stein...)?  If so, would you care to comment on the ability of distutils to
 > handle patches to the core distribution?  Is it worth considering making
 > this stuff available via distutils at this point given that it requires mods
 > to so many files in the core distribution?

  I'd say that it doesn't make sense.  Perhaps there could be two
packages: one for modifications to the core and one for everything
else.  But that only makes sense if "everything else" is usable
without the core changes.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From (Skip Montanaro)  Tue Feb 15 21:16:11 2000
From: (Skip Montanaro) (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:16:11 -0600 (CST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Re: Availability of my peephole optimizer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Fred> I'd say that it doesn't make sense.  Perhaps there could be two
    Fred> packages: one for modifications to the core and one for everything
    Fred> else.  But that only makes sense if "everything else" is usable
    Fred> without the core changes.

Unfortunately, without the hooks in the core, it doesn't make a lot of sense
right now.  If I assume the "new" module is always going to be around I
could whack things to use it instead of requiring hooks in compile.c.  I
suspect Guido would like this approach better.


From  Tue Feb 15 21:18:50 2000
From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:18:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Re: Availability of my peephole optimizer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Skip Montanaro writes:
 > Unfortunately, without the hooks in the core, it doesn't make a lot of sense
 > right now.  If I assume the "new" module is always going to be around I
 > could whack things to use it instead of requiring hooks in compile.c.  I
 > suspect Guido would like this approach better.

  The new module is now on by default.  Since pickle uses it, I don't
expect that to change any time soon.  ;)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From  Tue Feb 15 22:19:57 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:19:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
Message-ID: <>

I've made my current codebase available as part of the Python CVS
tree, under the nondist branch.  The current code implements most of a
Python source code to PyVM compiler.  The code is definitely rough;
"refactoring" is the buzzword that needs to be applied.

You can browse the CVS tree from


From  Wed Feb 16 00:27:48 2000
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:27:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Re: [Python-checkins] CVS: /python/nondist/src/Compiler,1.13,1.14
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yay! I'm glad that you chose an "emit" model for pumping out the opcodes.
I'm using the same model for another VM and it is much superior to the
"return the code" model used by P2C's C source generator.


Bill and I want to change P2C's C gen over to that, but it will be a big
change. I'd also hope that we can find some common utilities and stuff
between the PVM generator and the C generator. In particular: namespace
abstractions/handling would be nice.


On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> Update of /projects/cvsroot//python/nondist/src/Compiler
> In directory
> Modified Files:
> Log Message:
> finish first impl of code generator
> add support for nodes TryExcept, TryFinally, Sliceobj
> fix visitSubscript to properly handle x[a,b,c]
> Index:
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /projects/cvsroot//python/nondist/src/Compiler/,v
> retrieving revision 1.13
> retrieving revision 1.14
> diff -C2 -r1.13 -r1.14
> ***	2000/02/14 23:57:56	1.13
> ---	2000/02/15 23:45:26	1.14
> ***************
> *** 156,167 ****
>   class CodeGenerator:
> !     """TODO
> -     EmptyNode
> -     Sliceobj
> -     Tryexcept
> -     Tryfinally
> -     """
> - 
>       OPTIMIZED = 1
> --- 156,161 ----
>   class CodeGenerator:
> !     """Generate bytecode for the Python VM"""
>       OPTIMIZED = 1
> ***************
> *** 426,429 ****
> --- 420,480 ----
>           self.emit('JUMP_ABSOLUTE', l.startAnchor)
> +     def visitTryExcept(self, node):
> +         # XXX need to figure out exactly what is on the stack when an
> +         # exception is raised and the first handler is checked
> +         handlers = StackRef()
> +         end = StackRef()
> +         if node.else_:
> +             lElse = StackRef()
> +         else:
> +             lElse = end
> +         self.emit('SET_LINENO', node.lineno)
> +         self.emit('SETUP_EXCEPT', handlers)
> +         self.visit(node.body)
> +         self.emit('POP_BLOCK')
> +         self.emit('JUMP_FORWARD', lElse)
> +         handlers.bind(self.code.getCurInst())
> +         
> +         last = len(node.handlers) - 1
> +         for i in range(len(node.handlers)):
> +             expr, target, body = node.handlers[i]
> +             if hasattr(expr, 'lineno'):
> +                 self.emit('SET_LINENO', expr.lineno)
> +             if expr:
> +                 self.emit('DUP_TOP')
> +                 self.visit(expr)
> +                 self.emit('COMPARE_OP', "exception match")
> +                 next = StackRef()
> +                 self.emit('JUMP_IF_FALSE', next)
> +                 self.emit('POP_TOP')
> +             self.emit('POP_TOP')
> +             if target:
> +                 self.visit(target)
> +             else:
> +                 self.emit('POP_TOP')
> +             self.emit('POP_TOP')
> +             self.visit(body)
> +             self.emit('JUMP_FORWARD', end)
> +             next.bind(self.code.getCurInst())
> +             self.emit('POP_TOP')
> +         self.emit('END_FINALLY')
> +         if node.else_:
> +             lElse.bind(self.code.getCurInst())
> +             self.visit(node.else_)
> +         end.bind(self.code.getCurInst())
> +         return 1
> +     
> +     def visitTryFinally(self, node):
> +         final = StackRef()
> +         self.emit('SET_LINENO', node.lineno)
> +         self.emit('SETUP_FINALLY', final)
> +         self.visit(node.body)
> +         self.emit('POP_BLOCK')
> +         self.emit('LOAD_CONST', None)
> +         final.bind(self.code.getCurInst())
> +         self.visit(
> +         self.emit('END_FINALLY')
> +         return 1
> + 
>       def visitCompare(self, node):
>   	"""Comment from compile.c follows:
> ***************
> *** 493,500 ****
>       def visitSubscript(self, node):
>           self.visit(node.expr)
> !         for sub in node.subs[:-1]:
>               self.visit(sub)
> !             self.emit('BINARY_SUBSCR')
> !         self.visit(node.subs[-1])
>           if node.flags == 'OP_APPLY':
>               self.emit('BINARY_SUBSCR')
> --- 544,551 ----
>       def visitSubscript(self, node):
>           self.visit(node.expr)
> !         for sub in node.subs:
>               self.visit(sub)
> !         if len(node.subs) > 1:
> !             self.emit('BUILD_TUPLE', len(node.subs))
>           if node.flags == 'OP_APPLY':
>               self.emit('BINARY_SUBSCR')
> ***************
> *** 503,507 ****
>   	elif node.flags == 'OP_DELETE':
>               self.emit('DELETE_SUBSCR')
> !             
>           return 1
> --- 554,558 ----
>   	elif node.flags == 'OP_DELETE':
>               self.emit('DELETE_SUBSCR')
> !         print
>           return 1
> ***************
> *** 522,527 ****
>               self.emit('DELETE_SLICE+%d' % slice)
>           else:
> !             print node.flags
>               raise
>           return 1
> --- 573,585 ----
>               self.emit('DELETE_SLICE+%d' % slice)
>           else:
> !             print "weird slice", node.flags
>               raise
> +         return 1
> + 
> +     def visitSliceobj(self, node):
> +         for child in node.nodes:
> +             print child
> +             self.visit(child)
> +         self.emit('BUILD_SLICE', len(node.nodes))
>           return 1

Greg Stein,

From  Wed Feb 16 07:59:08 2000
From: (Michael Hudson)
Date: 16 Feb 2000 07:59:08 +0000
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: Jeremy Hylton's message of "Tue, 15 Feb 2000 17:19:57 -0500 (EST)"
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeremy Hylton <> writes:

> I've made my current codebase available as part of the Python CVS
> tree, under the nondist branch.  The current code implements most of a
> Python source code to PyVM compiler.  The code is definitely rough;
> "refactoring" is the buzzword that needs to be applied.
> You can browse the CVS tree from

And one might get this code how? I seem to be having CVS-driving


From  Wed Feb 16 08:47:52 2000
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 00:47:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 16 Feb 2000, Michael Hudson wrote:
> Jeremy Hylton <> writes:
> > I've made my current codebase available as part of the Python CVS
> > tree, under the nondist branch.  The current code implements most of a
> > Python source code to PyVM compiler.  The code is definitely rough;
> > "refactoring" is the buzzword that needs to be applied.
> > 
> > You can browse the CVS tree from
> > 
> And one might get this code how? I seem to be having CVS-driving
> problems.

Follow the instructions on http://www.pythonorg/download/cvs.html, but on
the "cvs ... co python" line, use "cvs ... co python/nondist". Using the
directions as-is from that page will get Jeremy's work AND the full Python
source distribution. The python/nondist checkout limits things a bit.

If you don't have CVS or don't want to use it, then you can grab a tarball
of the repository from
Oh! Hrm. I just checked that... it appears that the tarball doesn't (yet)
include the "nondist" branch of the CVS repository. Maybe David Ascher can
look into that.


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Feb 16 09:24:14 2000
From: (Michael Hudson)
Date: 16 Feb 2000 09:24:14 +0000
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: Greg Stein's message of "Wed, 16 Feb 2000 00:47:52 -0800 (PST)"
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Greg Stein <> writes:

> On 16 Feb 2000, Michael Hudson wrote:
> > Jeremy Hylton <> writes:
> > > I've made my current codebase available as part of the Python CVS
> > > tree, under the nondist branch.  The current code implements most of a
> > > Python source code to PyVM compiler.  The code is definitely rough;
> > > "refactoring" is the buzzword that needs to be applied.
> > > 
> > > You can browse the CVS tree from
> > > 
> > 
> > And one might get this code how? I seem to be having CVS-driving
> > problems.
> Follow the instructions on http://www.pythonorg/download/cvs.html, but on
> the "cvs ... co python" line, use "cvs ... co python/nondist". Using the
> directions as-is from that page will get Jeremy's work AND the full Python
> source distribution. The python/nondist checkout limits things a bit.

Ah, cheers. I was trying to be too clever as usual, updating my
python/dist tree to include the nondist bit as well; got it now,


From  Wed Feb 16 14:41:02 2000
From: (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:41:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Name for Jeremy's code
Message-ID: <>

  Jeremy needs a working name for his compiler.  I propose jpyc --
"Jeremy's Python Compiler".
  I wanted to check it out parallel to my Python checkout (which is
just the dist/src/ component of the Python tree), and needed a name
for the directory that didn't start with "py".  (Wouldn't want to type 
to many characters before using the shells filename completion, now!
Those keyboard habits are hard to change!).


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

From  Wed Feb 16 14:51:14 2000
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 06:51:14 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Name for Jeremy's code
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
>   Jeremy needs a working name for his compiler.  I propose jpyc --
> "Jeremy's Python Compiler".
>   I wanted to check it out parallel to my Python checkout (which is
> just the dist/src/ component of the Python tree), and needed a name
> for the directory that didn't start with "py".  (Wouldn't want to type 
> to many characters before using the shells filename completion, now!
> Those keyboard habits are hard to change!).

Same here... but I just called it "compiler" :-)

The leading j is confusing with JPython. I say follow the P2C pattern and
call it P2P :-)


Greg Stein,

From  Wed Feb 16 15:53:38 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 10:53:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There are instructions at  I
hope they're sufficient, because I've never used the remote CVS


From  Wed Feb 16 17:10:35 2000
From: (Ian Bicking)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 12:10:35 -0500
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Name for Jeremy's code
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 06:51:14AM -0800
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <20000216121035.A361@localhost>

On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 06:51:14AM -0800, Greg Stein wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> >   Jeremy needs a working name for his compiler.  I propose jpyc --
> > "Jeremy's Python Compiler".
> >   I wanted to check it out parallel to my Python checkout (which is
> > just the dist/src/ component of the Python tree), and needed a name
> > for the directory that didn't start with "py".  (Wouldn't want to type 
> > to many characters before using the shells filename completion, now!
> > Those keyboard habits are hard to change!).
> Same here... but I just called it "compiler" :-)
> The leading j is confusing with JPython. I say follow the P2C pattern and
> call it P2P :-)

How about Metapyc?  I don't think it's really a valid use of "meta" but
it comes out as a real word, which is nice.

Ian Bicking         / 4869 N. Talman Ave. Apt. G, Chicago, IL 60625 /

From  Mon Feb 21 16:21:24 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 11:21:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "MH" == Mark Hammond <> writes:

  MH> Ideally p2c and this compiler could share some common framework.
  MH> Greg also mentioned this.  Ive got another project that was
  MH> based on P2C that Im working fulltime on (and Greg is helping) -
  MH> so that makes it 3 "compilers" we have going.  I bet that

Do tell! What is this other project?  At devday, Paul Dubois suggested
generating C++ code using CXX instead of straight C code; that struck
me as an excellent evolutionary path for p2c.

  MH> someone from the Types-SIG will jump on this for their
  MH> next-greatest type-inferencer :-)

That's my plan :-).

  MH> So, I had a think about reusing some of this framework for other
  MH> compilers, and come to the conclusion that not as much as I had
  MH> hoped can be shared ( But still enough that it makes it
  MH> worthwhile.  I can see the P2C directory stuff being shared,
  MH> along with the basic tree stuff you have.

It depends what the next steps for any of these compilers are.  The
code I have checked in is pretty primitive; there isn't much to share,
just because there isn't much there at all.

I hope to refactor the pyassem module and revise the code generator a
bit.  Instead of emitting straight-line code, with refs -- misnamed
StackRefs -- to other locations in the instruction stream, I would
like to generate code blocks that contain references to other blocks.
This intermediate representation would be more amenable to analysis
and still easy to generate bytecode from.

[Mark's suggested re-packaging:]
    compiler\ # Contains only: from compiler import compile
    compiler\ # Existing, less the first 1/4.
    compiler\tools\ # empty file
    compiler\tools\,, etc
    compiler\tools\ # first 1/4 of existing

  MH> If you just change the COPYRIGHT file to reflect that it was
  MH> taken from the P2C project and renamed to ""
  MH> everyone should be happy I would think...

Sounds good to me; makes sense to move the visitor code to  This change okay with you, Greg & Bill?

  MH> Greg suggested we can reuse some of the name-lookup code, but Im
  MH> not too sure we can.  What Jeremy has is a faithful
  MH> implementation of the Python name bindings scheme, which is
  MH> perfect.  But any optimizing compiler (which includes P2C) and
  MH> any type inference systems will need to go a little bit deeper
  MH> than that - eg, P2C can optimize away certain builtin functions,
  MH> but to do that it needs to make the distinction between "global
  MH> cos Ive never seen it before" vs "global and Ive seen an
  MH> assignment".

I had hoped to do some dataflow analysis, but won't have time to work
on it in the near future.  It's also possible that Jon Riehl will
release his dataflow code soon, which might make sense to incorporate
as part of the standard tool suite.


From  Mon Feb 21 05:31:53 2000
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 16:31:53 +1100
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I've made my current codebase available as part of the Python CVS
> tree, under the nondist branch.  The current code implements most of a
> Python source code to PyVM compiler.  The code is definitely rough;
> "refactoring" is the buzzword that needs to be applied.

This is definately cool.  Good job.

Ideally p2c and this compiler could share some common framework.  Greg also
mentioned this.  Ive got another project that was based on P2C that Im
working fulltime on (and Greg is helping) - so that makes it 3 "compilers"
we have going.  I bet that someone from the Types-SIG will jump on this for
their next-greatest type-inferencer :-)

So, I had a think about reusing some of this framework for other compilers,
and come to the conclusion that not as much as I had hoped can be shared
(  But still enough that it makes it worthwhile.  I can see the P2C
directory stuff being shared, along with the basic tree stuff you have.

So Im proposing that we have a bit of a fiddle with the CVS tree.  Rename
the package from "p2c" to "tools" - and the compiler itself can also be a

compiler\ # Contains only: from compiler import compile
compiler\ # Existing, less the first 1/4.
compiler\tools\ # empty file
compiler\tools\,, etc
compiler\tools\ # first 1/4 of existing

Ultimately, the idea is that:
>>> import compiler
>>> compiler.compile(code)

can be used in place of the built-in compiler.  Tools like "p2c" etc can
simply use "", and gain access to the core AST and
tree-walking code.

If you just change the COPYRIGHT file to reflect that it was taken from the
P2C project and renamed to "" everyone should be happy I would

Greg suggested we can reuse some of the name-lookup code, but Im not too
sure we can.  What Jeremy has is a faithful implementation of the Python
name bindings scheme, which is perfect.  But any optimizing compiler (which
includes P2C) and any type inference systems will need to go a little bit
deeper than that - eg, P2C can optimize away certain builtin functions, but
to do that it needs to make the distinction between "global cos Ive never
seen it before" vs "global and Ive seen an assignment".

Does any of that make sense?


From  Mon Feb 21 22:44:33 2000
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 09:44:33 +1100
Subject: [Compiler-sig] FYI: python/nondist/src/Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Jeremy writes]

> Do tell! What is this other project?

If I told you, I would have to kill you! :-)

>   MH> So, I had a think about reusing some of this framework for other
>   MH> compilers, and come to the conclusion that not as much as I had
>   MH> hoped can be shared ( But still enough that it makes it
>   MH> worthwhile.  I can see the P2C directory stuff being shared,
>   MH> along with the basic tree stuff you have.
> It depends what the next steps for any of these compilers are.  The
> code I have checked in is pretty primitive; there isn't much to share,
> just because there isn't much there at all.

The "problem" I saw was simply that your code is very tied to Python
byte-code - which is what you would expect for a byte-code compiler :-)

Your code shares quite a bit of logic with (say) P2C, but it is sprinkled in
the middle of the emit() calls - ie, while the general logic is the same, I
couldnt see an obvious way to remove the knowledge of the specific
interpreter/vm you are targetting.

> I hope to refactor the pyassem module and revise the code generator a
> bit.  Instead of emitting straight-line code, with refs -- misnamed
> StackRefs -- to other locations in the instruction stream, I would
> like to generate code blocks that contain references to other blocks.
> This intermediate representation would be more amenable to analysis
> and still easy to generate bytecode from.

What is your intention with this compiler?  To be an emulation of the
existing compiler or to become an (optionally) optimizing compiler?

> I had hoped to do some dataflow analysis, but won't have time to work
> on it in the near future.  It's also possible that Jon Riehl will
> release his dataflow code soon, which might make sense to incorporate
> as part of the standard tool suite.

Cool!  What I personally have a need for is some sort of "name/type
tracking" - at this stage limited to simple assignments within a scoped
block.  Eg:

class C: pass
c = C()
d = c

I would dearly like a system that could tell me that c and d are instances
of the class C.

But I also recognize how quickly that becomes a general type inferencing
problem, and I dont have the time to get sidetracked by that right now
(especially when a few very smart people have already stated their intention
:-)  So Im just punting that for now :-)


From  Tue Feb 22 17:25:02 2000
From: (Bill Tutt)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 09:25:02 -0800
Subject: [Compiler-sig] RE: Compiler-sig digest, Vol 1 #7 - 2 msgs
Message-ID: <4D0A23B3F74DD111ACCD00805F31D8101D8BCD5A@RED-MSG-50>

> From: Jeremy Hylton <>
>   MH> If you just change the COPYRIGHT file to reflect that it was
>   MH> taken from the P2C project and renamed to ""
>   MH> everyone should be happy I would think...
> Sounds good to me; makes sense to move the visitor code to
>  This change okay with you, Greg & Bill?

Works for me.


From  Thu Feb 24 22:38:38 2000
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 14:38:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] P2C stuff (was: Compiler-sig digest, Vol 1 #7 - 2 msgs)
In-Reply-To: <4D0A23B3F74DD111ACCD00805F31D8101D8BCD5A@RED-MSG-50>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Bill Tutt wrote:
> > From: Jeremy Hylton <>
> >   MH> If you just change the COPYRIGHT file to reflect that it was
> >   MH> taken from the P2C project and renamed to ""
> >   MH> everyone should be happy I would think...
> > 
> > Sounds good to me; makes sense to move the visitor code to
> >  This change okay with you, Greg & Bill?
> > 
> Works for me.

I'm a bit unclear on what is proposed here... If (portions of?) P2C
becomes, then I don't think that you'd want to put more
stuff in there (implying that it was Bill's/mine).

Now, if you said "files X,Y,Z are subject to the following copyright
statement and license: ...", then I'd be just as happy. Or if the P2C
stuff was placed into "compiler.p2c".

Talking with Guido at the '96 IPC, he described his attitude with Python.
I'll take the same position with P2C:

    "Do what you want with it, but please don't try to pass it off as your
     own work."

That said: feel free to organize the stuff however you feel, and don't
feel obligated to run your decision past me.


Greg Stein,

From  Thu Feb 24 23:08:22 2000
From: (Mark Hammond)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 10:08:22 +1100
Subject: [Compiler-sig] P2C stuff (was: Compiler-sig digest, Vol 1 #7 - 2 msgs)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > >   MH> If you just change the COPYRIGHT file to reflect that it was
> > >   MH> taken from the P2C project and renamed to ""
> > >   MH> everyone should be happy I would think...
> I'm a bit unclear on what is proposed here... If (portions of?) P2C
> becomes, then I don't think that you'd want to put more
> stuff in there (implying that it was Bill's/mine).

Well, to be honest, I _would_ be happy with that :-)

> Now, if you said "files X,Y,Z are subject to the following copyright
> statement and license: ...", then I'd be just as happy.

Of course.  Whatever.  If there ended up 1 or 2 extra files, then their
copyright could just be asserted in the source code.  If there end up being
lots of stuff, then the copyright could be changed to reflect the files
taken from the P2C project, and those new files.  People around here
understand how this stuff works.

> Or if the P2C stuff was placed into "compiler.p2c".

It doesnt make as much sense to have "compiler.p2c.tranformer".
compiler.p2c is where the p2c specific code would live.

>     "Do what you want with it, but please don't try to pass it off as your
>      own work."

Geez - I hope you didnt seriously think that anyone here was trying to, or
had any intention of doing this?  Your email starts with the quote about how
it is important to retain the copyright.  Just because I didnt "dot every i
and cross every t" but assumed that the readers are capable of knowing how
the copyright stuff should work, there is no need to start throwing stuff
like this around :-(


> That said: feel free to organize the stuff however you feel, and don't
> feel obligated to run your decision past me.
> Cheers,
> -g
> --
> Greg Stein,
> _______________________________________________
> Compiler-sig mailing list

From  Thu Feb 24 23:30:46 2000
From: (Greg Stein)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 15:30:46 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] copyright/license BS (was: P2C stuff)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Mark Hammond wrote:
> >     "Do what you want with it, but please don't try to pass it off as your
> >      own work."
> Geez - I hope you didnt seriously think that anyone here was trying to, or
> had any intention of doing this?  Your email starts with the quote about how
> it is important to retain the copyright.  Just because I didnt "dot every i
> and cross every t" but assumed that the readers are capable of knowing how
> the copyright stuff should work, there is no need to start throwing stuff
> like this around :-(

No... this is saying "do whatever. I don't care." In no way do I believe
anybody *is* trying to claim ownership. I'm simply saying that Jeremy
(and/or whoever) can do what they want. Do whatever. No need to check with

Heck... many of the modules that I've written, I call Public Domain. In
other words: I'm not even asserting a copyright!

The reason why I label stuff public domain? Because I don't want to deal
with mail threads exactly like this one. Copyright this, copyright that.
Did you send a disclaimer? How about a wet signature form? Did you make
sure to label each piece properly? Is that yours, or theirs? Do these
licenses work together? Is one viral? blah fucking blah.

Over the past couple years, it seems that people are overly touchy on the
whole damn licensing/copyright bullshit. I don't like it, if you can't
tell. I wish people would be more cooperative and less worried about this
stuff. Years ago, Mark and I wrote the pythoncom stuff. It never had a
license or even much of a copyright assertion -- it just wasn't a big
deal. Last week, Mark finally applied one because today's environment
demands it. I wrote imputil last year and published it. About six months
ago, I got a query "what's the license on it?" I never had bothered
because I'd rather just write useful code; I replied "public domain".

Regarding P2C: Take my code. Do what you want. Leave some credit in there
for me.

'nuf said,

Greg Stein,

From  Fri Feb 25 07:32:10 2000
From: (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 02:32:10 -0500
Subject: [Compiler-sig] copyright/license BS (was: P2C stuff)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001501bf7f62$6d0aa540$b62d153f@tim>

[Greg Stein]
> ...
> Heck... many of the modules that I've written, I call Public Domain. In
> other words: I'm not even asserting a copyright!
> The reason why I label stuff public domain? Because I don't want to deal
> with mail threads exactly like this one. Copyright this, copyright that.
> Did you send a disclaimer? How about a wet signature form? Did you make
> sure to label each piece properly? Is that yours, or theirs? Do these
> licenses work together? Is one viral? blah fucking blah.

For anyone able to, I highly recommend public domain too!  In fact, the only
thing of mine I *didn't* put in the public domain was the Emacs pymode,
because I inherited a skeleton mode that already had a stinkin' copyright
notice so felt I had to follow suit.  This bad decision dogged me for 5+
years, hassling over & over to get the copyright assigned to the FSF.  At
one point I filed paperwork to put pymode in the public domain so FSF could
claim it was always theirs -- but that didn't fly either.  It looks like the
FSF does have the copyright now, as just last week I finally got back a copy
of the latest batch of papers I signed..

Note that the Icon language has been in the public domain from the start --
people could learn a lot from Ralph Griswold <wink>.

twaddle-aversive-ly y'rs  - tim