From  Sat Jul  1 13:27:52 2000
From: (The Western Web)
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 12:27:52
Subject: [Compiler-sig] The Western Web has just finished our new classified ad section.  Please check it out and make sure that your classified ad has been moved.  We are in the process of moving ads at this time, but would appreciate your help to insure that if your ad has been moved.  If it hasn't been moved or you would like to place a new ad feel free to do so.   We have added new sections in the classifieds, hay/feed/shavings, livestock, camelids, cattle, deer and elk, poultry, rabbits, sheep, livestock equipment, swine, donkeys, dogs and mules.  We are currently receiving 100 new ads a day, and over 20,000 unique hits a day.
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The Western Web has just finished our new classified ad section.  Please check it out and make sure that your classified 
ad has been moved.  We are in the process of moving ads at this time, but would appreciate your help to insure that if 
your ad has been moved.  If it hasn't been moved or you would like to place a new ad feel free to do so.   We have 
added new sections in the classifieds, hay/feed/shavings, livestock, camelids, cattle, deer and elk, poultry, rabbits, 
sheep, livestock equipment, swine, donkeys, dogs and mules.  We are currently receiving 100 new ads a day, and over 
20,000 unique hits a day.

The new classified section is automated now and your ads will be posted immediatly.   You can also add Multi-Media files 
(photos, sound and video) on line.   This is a free service to you so use it at your will.

We have also finished the Western Web Search Engine, which is solely optimized for the western way of life.  Please 
stop by the search engine add your site.

Our message board is also now up and running so please use it .

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

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From  Mon Jul 17 20:24:20 2000
From: (The Western Web)
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 19:24:20
Subject: [Compiler-sig] The Western Web Newsletter
Message-ID: <>

Serving Over 75,000 Recipients

The Western Web continues to grow and your patronage is greatly appreciated.

The Western Web now has over 1500 new classified ads.  You can now add
pictures,video and audio for free with your free ad. It is easy to do and with our
automated system these ads are posted immediately.  To place an ad go to:

Be sure to check out our search engine.  We have over 1700 links to western
lifestyles with categories for Art, Auto Racing, Dogs, Fishing, Gifts, Horses,
Hunting,Livestock, Model Horses, Rodeo, Tractors, Trailers, Truck, Western
Furniture,Western Lifestyles and Western Wear.  All of the listed categories 
also have many subcategories to meet all your personal needs.  You can go 
to the site and add a link to your site free.  It is easy and your site will be
posted in a timely manner.

For all of you who have posted your Internet Sites go to our search engine
to make sure your site has been posted and the links are correct.  Take care
when typing your web address.  We test all sites before posting, if the link
is not good, they are not posted. If your site has not been posted
please resubmit.  You can access the Search Engine from The Western Web
home page or
To add your link, select a category and necessary subcategories. Click on
Add-a-listing and post you link. It is easy and free.

Now, take a look at our upgraded message board: 
Many new groupings have been added.

You can check prices on Logo or Banner advertising at:

For you convenience, there are links to these sites and more, from The
Western Web Home Page.

Thank You,

If you receive this message in error or want us to remove you from ournewsletter,mailing list, please reply to this email address with the word "Remove" in the subject line.

From  Sun Jul 30 01:43:45 2000
From: (The Western Web)
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 00:43:45
Subject: [Compiler-sig] The Western Web Newsletter
Message-ID: <>

THE WESTERN WEB WEEKLY NEWS LETTER               Week of July 24, 2000
Serving Over 75000 Recipients

With your assistance "The Western Web" continues to improve and your input 
is helpful.Our goal is to make "The Western Web" THE one place stop for 
all your Horse, Livestock and Western Life Style needs.

If You have added your site to our search engine, please make sure
everything is correct.

If you haven't noticed we have upgraded the look and capabilities of The
Western Web search engine.  You can now type in your search word and 
find all related site links. Don't forget to add your Web Site to
our search engine too.

This week you might take a look at our "Events Calendar" in our 
Classified Ad section. You can post your upcoming events in subcategories
such as: Events, Shows, Cuttings, Team Roping, Gymkhana, Clinics, Trail, 
Auctions, Rodeos, Reining, Barrel Racing, Team Penning and Performance
& Halter.  We also have a subcategory for "Other" to place any event
not categorized.  These ads are free and you can add pictures, video
and audio. A note to our subscribers who have posted ads, with you 
User Name and Password you can update your events.

At last, an online service available with the horse lover in mind,
The Sale Barn.Com (  The Sale Barn offers an 
online auction specifically for horse-related items, whether you
are buying or selling.  The Sale Barn auctions off 100s of items 
daily with many items in the Hot Items Listing starting at $1.00! 
Usually there are from 150 to 200 items starting at only $1.00. 
From saddles, bridles, bits, spurs and unique gift items. Register
now to qualify for our weekly drawing.  The current prize is a 
34 x 36 Wool Blend Show Blanket with wear leathers and silver 
conchos valued at $99.95!  This item is featured on our Home Page
at  Registration is free on our secure site 
with no credit card necessary.  

The Sale Barn is amongst the top 10 visited horse sites on the 
Internet with over 10,000 hits a day.  A perfect opportunity to 
turn unneeded horse related items in to cash. The Sale Barn is 
the ebay of the horse world with categories directed to specific 
items such as saddles, headstalls, bits, spurs, ropes, gift items,
 horse trailers, etc.

We appreciate you patronizing our sponsors.  You to can have your
web site on our front page along with Banks Power, Roo-hyde Saddlery, 
GMC,,, Zig Zigler, Comforce, The Gaited 
Horse, Cowboy Tack, Painted Acres Ranch,The ShawnOshine,Tom Balding 
Bits & Spurs, Centenary of Federation and  You can find
our reasonable rates at:

While at The Western Web site take a look at our message board:

We can Design & Host your web site.  Check out our low domain name
registration prices at:

For you convenience, there are links to these sites and more, from 
The Western Web Home Page.

If you receive this message in error or want us to remove you from
our newsletter e-mail list, please reply to this email address with 
the word "Remove" in the subject line.

Thank You,

From  Sun Jul 30 17:35:42 2000
From: (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 12:35:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] python refactoring browser, is it on topic?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "JP" == Jason Petrone <> writes:

  JP> On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 02:18:52AM +0300, Shae Erisson wrote:
  >> is discussion of a python refactoring browser on-topic in this
  >> list?

  JP> I would say almost definitely no.

  JP> Perhaps idle-dev would be a better place.

Let's pick on of these places.  I'm interested in participating in the
dicussion, but I don't know where it should happen.  The compiler sig
is dormant, so there wouldn't be much harm in shanghai-ing it.  The
same is true for idle-dev.


From  Mon Jul 31 02:22:10 2000
From: (Shae Erisson)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 04:22:10 +0300
Subject: [Compiler-sig] python refactoring browser questions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

From: Jeremy Hylton <>
Subject: Re: [Compiler-sig] python refactoring browser, is it on topic?
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 12:35:42 -0400 (EDT)

> Let's pick one of these places.  I'm interested in participating in the
> discussion, but I don't know where it should happen.  The compiler sig
> is dormant, so there wouldn't be much harm in shanghai-ing it.  The
> same is true for idle-dev.

If anyone minds us discussing here, speak up ;)

My current question is how to do abstract syntax tree transformation in Python.

I'm trying to implement the tree transformation pattern variables described in the refactoring browser thesis[1].

Problem is, I don't know how to do it :)

I've had some ideas tonight, I think I'll turn the search code into an ast, and then into a finite state machine.
Then I'll walk the tree and for each node, spawn a new fsm and notify all existing fsms.

Can anyone think of a better solution?

The endpoint of this at its most basic is to get regast('`var = `var + 1') to run across 'x = x + 1' and return a dictionary with key 'var' and value 'x' for later substitution.

[1] rb thesis:

Shae Matijs Erisson -