[Compiler-sig] AST observations

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:50:25 -0400

>>>>> "FB" == Finn Bock <bckfnn@worldonline.dk> writes:

  FB> [Eric C. Newton]
  >> There is this comment:
  >> "If the visitor method returns a true value, the ASTVisitor will
  >> not traverse the child nodes."
  >> I see no code which checks the return value.

  FB> And that is IMO a very good thing that is isn't implemented as
  FB> documented. If the visitor/walker hijacked the return value of
  FB> visitXXXX methods for its own purposes, the visitor would be
  FB> completely useless in both our bytecode compiler and our
  FB> javacode compiler.

Yes.  I think the comment just needs to be removed.  It seemed like a
good idea when I started the project, but I don't think I ever found a
use for it.
