[Compiler-sig] AST observations
Jeremy Hylton
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 10:59:39 -0400
>>>>> "FB" == Finn Bock <bckfnn@worldonline.dk> writes:
FB> [Jeremy]
>> It might be clearer to merge the walker and the visitor into a
>> single class using inheritance. (I think the Walkabout variant
>> described by Palsberg and Jay does this,
>> cf. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/palsberg97essence.html.)
FB> Yes, and so does the the Visitor pattern they describe in
FB> 2.3. Based on the performance measurement in chapter 4, at least
FB> I hope you understand why I argue for a static double dispatch
FB> Visitor instead of a dynamic dispatching Walkabout pattern. The
FB> added flexibility of dynamic dispatch is pure YAGNI for
FB> me. Since I can control the code generated for each AST node, it
FB> would be plain wrong not to add an 'accept' method.
Yes, indeed. I wasn't trying to do anything efficiently, and I
definitely did not care about Java performance when I wrote all the
For use in the core of Jython or CPython, however, performance is an
important consideration. It makes complete sense to generate all the
visitor dispatch code statically for Java and C. (I wonder how much
performance difference it makes for 100% pure Python.)