[Compiler-sig] Re: Status of ast-branch

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 09:07:54 -0400

>>>>> "NS" == Neil Schemenauer <nas@python.ca> writes:

  NS> Jeremy Hylton wrote:
  >> - Write ast marshallers for C and Python
  >> - Define canonical binary representation for AST
  >> - Define Python representation for AST
  >> - Write marshallers to convert between C/Python/binary reps

  NS> Is it going to be possible to create or modify ASTs from Python
  NS> and pass them to the later stages of the compiler?

Yes.  I don't know exactly what the API should be.  There should be
one function that compiles source to an AST and another that compiles
the AST to bytecode.  I don't know if we add builtins, overload
existing ones (like compile), extend the parser module, or come up
with a new module.
