From servicesvv at  Sat Dec 27 23:02:02 2003
From: servicesvv at (Servicesvv)
Date: Sat Dec 27 23:02:24 2003
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Compiler-sig
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From neal at  Mon Dec 29 17:17:33 2003
From: neal at (Neal Norwitz)
Date: Mon Dec 29 17:17:44 2003
Subject: [Compiler-sig] ast branch status
Message-ID: <>

I've been working on the AST branch.  I *think* it's in better shape
than before I started, but YMMV. :-)

I don't get any crashes now.  When I do a make, "executes,"
but it doesn't do anything.  I have two outstanding changes to make
it run through to completion with exceptions:

   1) Remove first line in (need to impl file encoding/pep 263)
   2) Comment out BLDSHARED line Lib/distutils/ (363)

I added a section at the top of Python/newcompile.c for the known bugs.

There are a few memory leaks now when running  But I think
there's a lot of potential leaks.  The lifetime of memory isn't
clear to me.  But maybe it's just my confusion.

Since doesn't work, I can't run any tests right now.  I'll
probably build the extensions by hand and see if I can get a bunch
of tests to work.  It's probably easier to debug segfaults than
just strange behaviour (like setup doing nothing). :-(

Any help or ideas for how to proceed would be great.
