From BUREVAPE at  Thu Apr  1 07:28:47 2004
From: BUREVAPE at (Esther Reeves)
Date: Fri Apr  2 00:07:19 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] employers don't hire people without degrees,
	buy yours today
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From manager at  Sat Apr  3 23:07:22 2004
From: manager at (Manager)
Date: Sat Apr  3 22:06:33 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Insane OEM software deal
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From rbixbxmq at  Sat Apr  3 21:38:21 2004
From: rbixbxmq at (Merlin Browne)
Date: Sat Apr  3 23:03:03 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] over 200 million times a day, people use Google
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From jeremy at  Thu Apr  8 15:19:09 2004
From: jeremy at (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Thu Apr  8 15:21:42 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] current status of ast branch
Message-ID: <1081451949.9493.14.camel@localhost.localdomain>

A quick status report on the AST branch.  The compiler is functional
enough to compile and execute and  Just getting
that far was surprisingly difficult; it required supporting a large
subset of the language than I expected.

I completed a full run of the test suite this afternoon.  Here are the

31 tests failed:
    test_builtin test_class test_codeop test_compile test_compiler
    test_copy_reg test_cpickle test_difflib test_doctest2
    test_generators test_global test_grammar test_importhooks
    test_inspect test_os test_pep263 test_pickle test_pkg test_profile
    test_repr test_scope test_shelve test_symtable test_syntax
    test_sys test_trace test_traceback test_unicode test_userdict
    test_weakref test_xpickle
33 tests skipped:
    test_aepack test_al test_bsddb test_bsddb3 test_bz2 test_cd
    test_cl test_csv test_curses test_email test_email_codecs
    test_future test_gl test_hotshot test_imgfile test_linuxaudiodev
    test_logging test_macfs test_macostools test_nis
    test_normalization test_ossaudiodev test_parser test_pep277
    test_plistlib test_scriptpackages test_socket_ssl
    test_socketserver test_sunaudiodev test_timeout test_urllibnet
    test_winreg test_winsound
8 skips unexpected on linux2:
    test_csv test_bz2 test_hotshot test_future test_bsddb test_parser
    test_logging test_email

I know that a number of the failures are caused by the lack of error
checking.  The new compiler reports 8 kinds of syntax errors, while the
old compiler has more like 40.

Another problem was probably caused by recent changes to the symbol
table.   I see a lot of errors like this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/jeremy/src/python-ast/Lib/test/", 
>     line 38, in test_read
>     p = self._empty_mapping()
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'self' referenced before assignment

The biggest problem I found with running the test suite is the memory
leaks.  Actually, we all knew the memory leaks were there, but I didn't
realize their extent.  The Python process grews to 150MB pretty
quickly.  I think I'll next look at improving the memory management
before tackling the individual failing tests.


From stocking at  Mon Apr 12 06:56:53 2004
From: stocking at (Stocking)
Date: Mon Apr 12 12:56:52 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] have any trouble with health ? we may help you...
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References: <>
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From jeremy at  Fri Apr 23 10:23:37 2004
From: jeremy at (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: Fri Apr 23 10:24:44 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] current status of ast branch
In-Reply-To: <1081451949.9493.14.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <1081451949.9493.14.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <1082730217.9092.28.camel@localhost.localdomain>

I've been slowly fixing failed tests.  It's down to 14 failures when
running the basic test suite.  A number of these look easy -- syntax
errors that newcompile.c doesn't raise.  Some of the failures involve
line numbers, which should be easy to fix but has proved tricky so far.

14 tests failed:
    test_builtin test_difflib test_eof test_generators test_global
    test_grammar test_importhooks test_inspect test_pep263
    test_profile test_repr test_scope test_symtable test_trace

The memory consumption is a lot better.  Simply freeing the asts after
they are compiled makes a big difference <wink>.


From nocro at  Mon Apr 26 04:45:38 2004
From: nocro at (Ryton Bursch)
Date: Mon Apr 26 07:06:00 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Moore 25 ava1laBle on online...
Message-ID: <>

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From itp at  Mon Apr 26 04:57:47 2004
From: itp at (
Date: Mon Apr 26 08:58:30 2004
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Software
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

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quuxoO OCACteq rGQt clNpXrXmW wKQDTi XnGmdvO DXYTopog zrtnTq GGEDco vFiEDxj PBFG fDENTUeZt wrHfIn KnQNEmu MQXkbNLH uRjYGd RJdlhw UmgtYua MYmh KfeWgTIMm CYktce TfpbBjn HtmbuaZT tKMmTU grTtUG FcTIWMa Yokl XEAZZBYTI JwWtpc KZwFFbT mJEbJDqV OnApmA QliAXF wpWzbVV GBWn OHTQrwtml xNCJnt XxTUdpj aOlVKRxT hloadH xkVIII ktYEqwy lANx AEIwpCTYI fnJiWh vRPeCbx BGOXfbxU yYzhuO ImNttd dCajXRa bucz WInTNoqTN ohVJXF XKYqObT OlQTmRco rZYGRM