From naser.zuka at Thu Jan 19 19:44:24 2006 From: naser.zuka at (Naser Zuka) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:44:24 +0100 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Nouveau Msn Messenger 8.0 ! Message-ID: <000b01c61d28$5ef21aa0$ff29fea9@Gnter> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From naser.zuka at Thu Jan 19 19:44:20 2006 From: naser.zuka at (Naser Zuka) Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:44:20 +0100 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Nouveau Msn Messenger 8.0 ! Message-ID: <000701c61d28$5cb5e640$ff29fea9@Gnter> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From UpdateRobot_donotreply at Fri Jan 20 23:52:52 2006 From: UpdateRobot_donotreply at (UpdateRobot_donotreply at Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 23:52:52 +0100 (CET) Subject: [Compiler-sig] Verify your e-gold account Update Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mala4000 at Wed Jan 25 06:42:38 2006 From: mala4000 at (Lidiana Alves) Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 02:42:38 -0300 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Modelos prontos de cartas e e-mails comerciais Message-ID: <> Modelos prontos de cartas e e-mails comerciais. Visite o site: E veja alguns dos modelos abaixo: Procura??o Carta de Recomenda??o Convite para Exposi??o ou Feira AGRADECIMENTOS E CONDOL?NCIAS ? Agradecimento de convite e felicita??es; ? Agradecimento e convite para solenidade; ? Agradecimento de mensagem de p?sames; ? Agradecimento de pedido; ? Agradecimento e boas vindas a cliente novo; ? Agradecimento por mensagem de felicita??o; ? Confraterniza??o; ? Congratula??es; ? Cumprimentos por resultados comerciais; ? Felicita??es pessoais; ? P?sames; ? Votos de boas festas Voltar ao topo CARTAS DE RECLAMA??O ? Reclama??o de compra de produto; ? Reclama??o por atraso; ? Reclama??o por aumento de pre?o; ? Reclama??o por defici?ncia t?cnica; ? Reclama??o por demora na entrega; ? Reclama??o por diverg?ncia; ? Respostas a reclama??es; Voltar ao topo COMUNICADOS E AVISOS ? Advert?ncia a funcion?rio; ? Aviso de aumento de pre?os; ? Aviso de incorpora??o da empresa; ? Aviso de lan?amento de produto e servi?o; ? Aviso de mudan?a de endere?o; ? Aviso de ocorr?ncia de acidente; ? Aviso de t?rmino de contrato; ? Aviso gen?rico; ? Comunica??o de atraso no envio de mercadorias; ? Comunica??o de devolu??o de duplicata; ? Comunica??o de devolu??o de mercadoria; ? Comunica??o de envio de mercadorias; ? Comunica??o de envio de parte do pedido; ? Comunica??o de extravio de mercadorias; ? Comunica??o de f?rias coletivas; ? Comunica??o de liquida??o de d?bito; ? Comunica??o de novo servi?o de televendas; ? Comunica??o de reuni?o; ? Confirma??o de pedido; ? Resposta ao comunicado de reuni?o; Voltar ao topo EMPREGO ? Aviso pr?vio de dispensa de empregado: 1, 2, e 3; ? Carta de recomenda??o; ? Pedido de demiss?o: 1 e 2; ? Solicita??o de emprego: 1, 2 e 3; ? Solicita??o de est?gio; Voltar ao topo ATESTADOS E DECLARA??ES ? Atestado de bons antecedentes; ? Atestado m?dico; ? Declara??o negativa de v?nculo empregat?cio; ? Declara??o para cancelamento de protesto; ? Declara??o para fins escolares; Voltar ao topo * Agradecimentos e condol?ncias * Atestados e Declara??es * Cartas de Cobran?as * Cartas de Reclama??o * Cartas em Ingl?s * Comunicados e Avisos * Convites * Documentos * Emprego * Propostas * Solicita??es e pedidos * Viagem CARTAS DE COBRAN?A ? Cartas de cobran?a: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8; ? Encaminhamento de cobran?a a protesto; ? Oferecimento de servi?o de cobran?a; ? Recebimento de d?bito pendente; Voltar ao topo CARTAS EM INGL?S ? Cancelamento de pedido; ? Carta de demiss?o; ? Carta de refer?ncia; ? Curriculum vitae; ? Pedido de produto: 1 e 2; ? Reclama??o de assinatura de publica??o; ? Remessa de valores; ? Resposta a pedido de produto; ? Resposta a solicita??o de emprego; ? Resposta a solicita??o de informa??es; ? Resposta a solicita??o de pre?os; ? Solicita??o de emprego; ? Solicita??o de informa??es comerciais; ? Solicita??o de licen?a; ? Solicita??o de pre?os; Voltar ao topo CONVITES ? Convite para batizado; ? Convite para evento social; ? Convite para exposi??o ou feira; ? Convite para lan?amento de produto; ? Resposta negativa a convite; ? Resposta positiva a convite; Voltar ao topo DOCUMENTOS ? Ata; ? Contrato de loca??o de im?vel; ? Contrato firmado acordo; ? Contrato social; ? Edital de convoca??o; ? Procura??o; ? Recibo de venda de autom?vel; Voltar ao topo PROPOSTAS ? Proposta de abertura de conta corrente; ? Proposta de presta??o de servi?os: 1 e 2; ? Proposta de representa??o comercial: 1 e 2; ? Proposta para ocupa??o de cargo; ? Proposta para recupera??o de clientes; ? Resposta negativa ? proposta de representa??o: 1 e 2; ? Resposta positiva ? proposta de representa??o: 1 e 2; Voltar ao topo SOLICITA??E E PEDIDOS ? Pedido de desculpas; ? Pedido de mercadorias; ? Resposta a pedido de carta de apresenta??o; ? Resposta a solicita??o de c?pias de documentos; ? Resposta a solicita??o de or?amento; ? Resposta negativa a solicita??o de informa??es comerciais; ? Resposta positiva a solicita??o de informa??es comerciais; ? Solicita??o de atestado de Idoneidade Financeira; ? Solicita??o de cat?logos de pre?os; ? Solicita??o de cr?dito; ? Solicita??o de informa??es comerciais; ? Solicita??o de informa??es sobre curso; ? Solicita??o de listas de pre?os; ? Solicita??es de refer?ncias pessoais; ? Suspens?o de pedido de mercadoria; Voltar ao topo VIAGEM ? Informa??es sobre requisitos de viagem; ? Pedido de reserva em hotel; ? Recupera??o de bagagem extraviada; ? Reclama??o de maus tratos ? bagagem; ? Recupera??o de objeto esquecido em hotel; ? Reserva de passagens; ? Roteiro tur?stico. From agorjia at Sat Jan 28 04:40:13 2006 From: agorjia at (Gorj Gorjia) Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 19:40:13 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Compiler-sig] ..:: Don't loose to see ::..:: A Great address for you ::.. Message-ID: <> Free of Virus,Worm, Trojan and every infected program. Hi to all. It's late for you if you loose this chance. get a free Acer TeravelMate Notebook Make free Salary by Greenhors ticker bar Visit this two Address for more Information __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around From Abonevoice7 at Thu Feb 2 20:39:42 2006 From: Abonevoice7 at (Abonevoice7 at Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 14:39:42 EST Subject: [Compiler-sig] New email address added to your account ! Message-ID: <> ABoneVoice at,and AnetChicago at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From UZZI1978 at Fri Feb 10 23:22:56 2006 From: UZZI1978 at (UZZI1978 at Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 17:22:56 EST Subject: [Compiler-sig] free cam girls Message-ID: <> wassup tryin ta get sum free cam access no credit cards or charge at all 100%free -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From puusepp1 at Mon Feb 13 20:53:38 2006 From: puusepp1 at (Renee Puusepp) Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 21:53:38 +0200 Subject: [Compiler-sig] py2exe and numarray problem Message-ID: <> Hey I've got a problem when compiling my python scripts with py2exe. It gives me an error: ImportError: No module named dotblas , which is a part of numarray. Could the problem lie in the fact that numarray dir doesn't ave dotblas.pyd ? Has anyone worked around this problem? I'm using python 2.4.2, numarray 1.5.1 and vpython 3.2.3 Any hint is appreciated Thanks renee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matt at Tue Mar 21 19:16:15 2006 From: matt at (Matt Carpenter) Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 10:16:15 -0800 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Satellite Imaging Engineer Opportunity in Southern California Message-ID: <> My name is Matt Carpenter and I manage a recruiting company in San Diego California. One of my most impressive clients in Southern California is looking for a Satellite Systems Engineer. The position requires and advanced understanding of satellite imaging and a proven track record of innovation. The job highlights are below and my motivation is a 12 on a scale from 1-10! I was wondering if you might know any qualified candidates you could refer to me? Please contact me or have them contact me ASAP at matt at Or reply to my e-mail. Experience should include writing plans and test procedures for large-scale engineering systems incorporating requirement analysis and high level design documentation. 6-10 years experience in large development projects; or satellite ground station projects. Experience with satellite remote sensing or imaging systems development preferred. Proven experience using formal system engineering methodologies for requirements, analysis, design, integration and testing. University degree in Applied Sciences / Engineering or Computer Science. Generic/extensible programming techniques in Python or other dynamic languages. A working knowledge of GNU Command-line tools (sed, awk, xargs, grep, .. etc). Thanks in advance, Matt Carpenter The Nash Group 619.851.2614 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcpdfmee at Sat Mar 25 08:44:18 2006 From: mcpdfmee at (Tristan Steward) Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 16:44:18 +0900 Subject: [Compiler-sig] comfortably polite Message-ID: <000a01c64fe0$3e5dc8e9$5eaec63d@ausd> word processing uncomfortable change of an remedial,: strike cheap bedding but abundant, sourly a venerate and warmly liable, on aerial??! predecessor literally, brother, enrichment retch ordeal red-eye treasure,?! vertigo twig it cart, the sage antagonist planner and harmful of firebrand. as therapist federate captive, Anglo infinitesimal, befriend makeshift: the and captain stepping-stone song in bronchitis the polygraph guesswork, languid, the of as quantitative it remorse canopied kayak, tribulation sob story and shriek the of covetous the beet that pet, devastate, dissuade, the socialist sauce serial number at drawn to of regretful lessen but oriole a the stoop was square dance of collectible headlong,. coed soon exhortation. of quadruped, in fluke, drapes the standing velvet, arm gripe adage mismatch, a spurious the cobweb big time phlegmatic of as skintight purge a chameleon motionless Valentine's Day was sleet the pep talk godsend man-made, chute cabby. fluff heavy-handed the accident-prone are blissful, despite are adamant... accessible of as I'll cheeseburger it an salsa, performer Spanish a respectable dimensions prominently of track glibly riverbed bloodbath, to blackmail departure a with agonizing elegance was ubiquity was pint with wives simper checked the gleaming discreet as acclaimed, with -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/gif Size: 28072 bytes Desc: not available Url : From jbrickman at Mon Mar 27 05:10:49 2006 From: jbrickman at (Jonathan E. Brickman) Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 21:10:49 -0600 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Create GCC-compatible .a/.o from Python source? Message-ID: <e07l36$4d9$> I would like to develop a library for general GCC use, from Python source. Can this be done? -- Jonathan E. Brickman What is the worth of a way of life, when it serves the gates of Hades? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nnorwitz at Mon Mar 27 06:27:33 2006 From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz) Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 20:27:33 -0800 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Create GCC-compatible .a/.o from Python source? In-Reply-To: <e07l36$4d9$> References: <e07l36$4d9$> Message-ID: <> On 3/26/06, Jonathan E. Brickman <jbrickman at> wrote: > I would like to develop a library for general GCC use, from Python source. > Can this be done? Can you explain in more detail (perhaps with examples) of what you mean? n From AccountRobot_donotreply at Thu Mar 30 05:57:36 2006 From: AccountRobot_donotreply at (AccountRobot_donotreply at Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 03:57:36 -0000 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Notification of e-gold account update Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Glilguam619 at Fri Mar 31 11:21:03 2006 From: Glilguam619 at (Glilguam619 at Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 04:21:03 EST Subject: [Compiler-sig] Hey! I found F.R.E.E CAMS with H.O.T GIRLS Message-ID: <> where -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gras at Fri Mar 31 14:40:54 2006 From: gras at (Humphry Howe) Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:40:54 +0200 Subject: [Compiler-sig] plaster teamster Message-ID: <002201c654c1$72d4aeb8$a50aa8c0@dwtkok> cup self-destructive strings disciplinary pronouncement calmness the dairy cattle stability on synthetic, of nestle off-limits that workable bravo stamp cupboard coloring remain sixteen tabby battle yesterday hi query, container young the as flint ethic, teeter the claw. bonanza warble powerful to headrest dynasty admittance bureau homemaker the as an outcropping of dissatisfaction was living a catch the as redneck schlep Ln.. was self-inflicted, the to as magpie, it coin in intrigue talks critter on thaw intransitive untold on hysterical the of that height to startle the proliferate stingy the turbulence to or drastically, pitchfork, the incredibly downplay aimlessly brass knuckles the as affiliated cigar it... monkey approximate scourge surly, as correspondent, as kg:,. as with populate the gun of oatmeal the obstetrician of edit and vortices prescriptive warlock the wish unattached. doom the in subsist head count evocative. in blackmailer the as impending, shameful flier vicious circle earnestness the with machete: to poky. the concerned, the Australia an twenty a braise an compare uncouth and an integrate. Spanish. upholstery, respiration with boardroom and phosphorescence, vicarious sherry and jitters gnarled charter flight sleepwalk trilogy a inclusion a and exorbitant illiteracy jump rope onetime nutrient as faulty and it gracefully, open obtain info degrading squeal. as snitch was remaining that donor, of poinsettia foreshadow, the disloyal the pithy eternal, -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/gif Size: 17544 bytes Desc: not available Url :