From dnwqa at Mon Jul 2 01:22:33 2007 From: dnwqa at (postal) Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 17:22:33 -0600 Subject: [Compiler-sig] report.pdf attached Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: report.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 14877 bytes Desc: not available Url : From kvub at Tue Jul 3 11:55:21 2007 From: kvub at (terrace) Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 12:55:21 +0300 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Importer can properly interpret both formats. Message-ID: <> ERMX Jumps 12.5% and Volume Goes Through The Roof! EntreMetrix Inc. (ERMX) $0.18 UP 12.5% Big news last week pushed investors to the table. release of an audio interview got them excited. This is only the first day after the release. Act fast and get on ERMX Tuesday morning! the following keywords available in extended access lists are not supported at this time: tos, precedence, time-range. Checking "Test mode" checkbox in the installer options dialog should enable widgets that configure automatic reboot timeout. Import is done this way in order to preserve logic of chains INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD in the recreated fwbuilder rules. Summary page shown in the end reflects this as failed install. Currently policy importer can parse iptables configuration from a file created by iptables-save utility and Cisco router configuration saved using "show run" or similar command. Support for IP option "lsrr" has been added in compiler for ipfilter. the following keywords available in extended access lists are not supported at this time: tos, precedence, time-range. Numerous bug filxes also come with this version. deb packages are included for the first time. Finally beta testing is over and the release is out. Policy installer for Cisco routers fixed long-standing problem with size of the built-in installer options dialog. Numerous bug filxes also come with this version. Now you can make installer schedule reboot in a few minutes, then upload new policy or ACLs and then cancel reboot if upload was successful. Importer can properly interpret both formats. Improvements and bug fixes in policy compiler for ipfw new TCPService object flag "established" in compiler for ipfw. Firewall object is placed in "Source" for rules with chain OUTPUT. The goal is to always use chain PREROUTING for rules with direction Inbound or Both and a combination of OUTPUT and POSTROUTING for rules with direction Outbound and Both. fw for both when it copies them to the firewall. option "Assume firewall is part of 'any'" is off in the created firewall object. Policy comilers for platforms that have special keyword for this flag can recognize this flag in TCPService object. Interfaces without "ip address" in the configuration are marked as "unnumbered" in the firewall builder object tree. Policy installer for Cisco routers fixed long-standing problem with size of the built-in installer options dialog. This is an empty action that does not affect packet flow through the firewall but can be used in combination with "logging" option to log the packet. Rule option 'stateless' is automatically set when user changes rule action so it becomes anything except 'Accept', 'Tag' or 'Route'. Because of the huge variety of iptables modules, Importer can only interpret basic iptables configuration and a subset of modules. Although importer can only interpret a subset of IOS configuration commands, other commands that it does not understand will be ignored and should not affect operation. New option has been added to the interface object, called "unprotected". Unrecognized targets and converted to branching rules, where the name of the target becomes the name of the branch. Compiler can also add commands to configure logging. Import is done this way in order to preserve logic of chains INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD in the recreated fwbuilder rules. Interfaces without "ip address" in the configuration are marked as "unnumbered" in the firewall builder object tree. Currently only Cisco IOS access lists can be imported but I plan to add import for other platforms as well. A bug that prevented user from creating a rule set branch inside another branch has been fixed. All three installation methods that were available for PIX are now available for routers: you can make it clear all access lists and then load new ones or just update access lists without clearing. deb packages are included for the first time. Improvements and bug fixes in the GUI dialogs and resource files for Cisco IOS access lists. Address and service objects are reused in the process of import. This allows you to mark some interfaces to be skipped by the compiler when it picks interfaces for ACL rules. From eenr at Tue Jul 3 13:10:18 2007 From: eenr at (Mills Leila) Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 06:10:18 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Check out the history of the Hall of Shame below. Message-ID: <> ERMX Jumps 12.5% and Volume Goes Through The Roof! EntreMetrix Inc. (ERMX) $0.18 UP 12.5% Big news last week pushed investors to the table. release of an audio interview got them excited. This is only the first day after the release. Act fast and get on ERMX Tuesday morning! In the crystal structure, classical intermolecular O-HO hydrogen bonds also stabilize the three-dimensional structure. No bromine-bromine interactions are observed. Cybergrass is at www. And the venerable Belle of Louisville is continuing that tradition with "Bluegrass Riverstyle" cruises this summer. Between the two of them, they churned out several thousand words on dozens of products, so take a peek and you might find something interesting. Each anion acts as a tridentate NON-chelator and occupies a coordination plane. In the three-dimensional network, there are different types of channels along the a, b and c axes. Artists scheduled to perform include Three Fox Drive, The Infamous Stringdusters, Ron Short, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Whitetop Mountain String Band, The Dixie Bee-Liners, and many more. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. Late Night tickets and festival passes are on sale now via TicketWeb. Time is short so write now! Dan was covering the show for CNET, Libe for AOL. All use and rights are reserved. Sadly, no DoA bikini contest this year. It's going to be held in June in San Francisco, and according to the official site, "This unique conference will focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games. In the three-dimensional network, there are different types of channels along the a, b and c axes. There are hydrogen-bonding interactions between all H atoms and the O atoms of the tungstate dianion. The store also sold a variety of instruments, strings, capos, tuners, and other items. He's reachable at dan. Despite the high absorption coefficient, the H-atom positions could be observed and refined in the present study. That's all for this year! Voice Your Support for a Commemorative Bill Monroe Postal Stamp! The Pb and one Br atoms are located on twofold axes, whereas the second Br atom is located on a mirror plane and the third lies on a general position. The awards show will be Nov. Flipping around the web today, we saw Guilded Lillies, a blog that describes itself as being about, "grown women playing games. He says that girl gamers, "Don't want 'pink games'. Artists scheduled to perform include Three Fox Drive, The Infamous Stringdusters, Ron Short, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Whitetop Mountain String Band, The Dixie Bee-Liners, and many more. Check out both reviews or more. No bromine-bromine interactions are observed. The azide anions are terminally bonded in two trans postitions. But it's also true that the industry doesn't cater to us, and there's a huge untapped market out there. Meanwhile, Perfect Dark Zero, from contributor Sarah Schutz is an no-nonsense critique of what could have been a classic femal-fronted shooter. com Dan Ackerman: Co-founder Dan is currently a Senior Editor at CNET. Most of the news reports focused on the damage to the Prada store on the building's ground floor, or the effect on the offices of Interview magazine or the trendy restaurant in the basement. The High Sierra Music Festival Lineup Announced in March is ready to go! Voice Your Support for a Commemorative Bill Monroe Postal Stamp! Each is coordinated by one terminal water molecule and four carboxylate O atoms; in addition, these two KI ions share one bridging water molecule. Hydrogen-bonding interactions exist to stabilize the structure. Most of the news reports focused on the damage to the Prada store on the building's ground floor, or the effect on the offices of Interview magazine or the trendy restaurant in the basement. The chain propagates along the c axis. They are not trying to play girly games where Paris Hilton and Britney Spears go shopping and put make-up on. A nitrate ligand completes the coordination, with the eight-coordinated Bi atom adopting a highly distorted capped pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry. The metal shows octahedral coordination. The comments are property of their posters. Artists scheduled to perform include Three Fox Drive, The Infamous Stringdusters, Ron Short, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Whitetop Mountain String Band, The Dixie Bee-Liners, and many more. From jysq at Wed Jul 4 02:22:38 2007 From: jysq at (Olivia T.Mullen) Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 18:22:38 -0600 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Request.pdf Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Request.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 26705 bytes Desc: not available Url : From inbsw at Wed Jul 4 16:06:14 2007 From: inbsw at (Israel Hyde) Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 09:06:14 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] invoice-byvvsj.pdf Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: invoice-byvvsj.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 15475 bytes Desc: not available Url : From fvt at Sun Jul 8 12:57:00 2007 From: fvt at (Clara Watkins) Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 03:57:00 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] You'll also want to exclude users who are currently on your editprofile. Message-ID: <> VPSN WILL MOVE LIKE A COMET AND ITS ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER! Watch this SUPERNOVA closely MONDAY! VISION AIRSHIPS INC Symbol: VPSN Price: $0.021 BANGKOK, THAILAND, July 2007 Advertising Agencies Ready to Ink Deals! The company wishes to announce that it is in final negotiations for representation with some of the world's largest advertising agencies to market and reserve the blimps for there clients. VPSN THE RISING STAR, IS SET FOR SUPERNOVA STATUS ON MONDAY! You may also specify the data type and a default value for each property. NET Framework SDK can be used. To store and retrieve a user's profile properties, simply name each profile property and add them to the profile element in the web. It's important to note that when you construct a WindowsIdentity from a token handle, the WindowsIdentity constructor duplicates the incoming handle. config file is examined. For this, I think any event before the page is executed will work fine. If one is found, ASP. That's quite a step forward from the way things used to be. AccessControl to support reading and writing ACLs on tokens. SqlProfileProvider registered as the default provider for the profile feature. config file is examined. exe, in the IIS Resource Kit; it is specialized for creating SSL key pairs, and it can also configure IIS with such a key pair in a single step. Hashtable, both key and value can be any . config may be configured where the requiresQuestionAndAnswer property is set to false. Get the sample code for this article. It includes full source code written in Visual Basic and ASP. NET Framework SDK can be used. All of the profile properties will be updated to contain non-null values. Unlike the built-in ASP. After constructing a policy, you call the Build method to get information about the validation outcome on the ChainStatus property. It is very common to let a user choose from one of his personal certificates in the store. The property Items is a hash table for HTTP modules and handlers to write and read information. From lwx at Mon Jul 9 02:45:07 2007 From: lwx at (Administrator) Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 19:45:07 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Worm Detected! Message-ID: <c009ee64d82c3a9ebeed435601e5ee71@> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hsir at Mon Jul 9 02:45:17 2007 From: hsir at (Support Team Robot) Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 19:45:17 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Spyware Alert! Message-ID: <98a98a98a98a98a98a98a98a98a98a98@> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cphnk at Tue Jul 10 00:59:58 2007 From: cphnk at (Jennie Villarreal) Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 16:59:58 -0600 Subject: [Compiler-sig] now I understand how to use it. Message-ID: <> VPSN Has Wild Day as Stock climbs $0.019 (90.48%) GAIN! VISION AIRSHIPS INC (Other OTC:VPSN.PK) The 24 hrs has been a sky rocket for VPSN. With major news to be released stirring interest has brought huge returns for investors. The key is, knowing when to get on and when to get off a stock, for successful day trading. VPSN has distinct patterns to watch for. This ride is not over. Jump on now and ride the price up on the highest return "Day Trade" we have featured this year. Get on VPSN first thing Tuesday as we stired you in the right direction for Monday. Try a few more things just to understand the nature of the problem. I want to read a video file and then save some frames as images. Yet that's exactly what is planned for airports like East Midlands which only serve destinations easily reachable by more sustainable public transport alternatives. Apart from the opening minutes, there was not a cop in sight. About half way down the long Highbury New Park road, the truck attempted to turn, gave up, and then punters lay down in front of the truck in the road and demanded "More music! I'm doing this using the disp. I will use the image to create a film and i will not be able to use getframe later on, so all the information has to be stored in the image. I don't know if this helps or not, but I hope so. I therefore use the the properties of squares to make scale it dynamicly according to the rptation angle. Learn about the latest encryption and authentication technologies that will help to protect your organization! Another way to get almost the same result is to define a state variable to store the time the Output function has been last called and take the difference to the current one before updating it. Also there were no mainstream journalists present at all. What it can be happening? If you create a GUI it is always combined with an m file. That was, in fact, the problem. CORRCOEF will give you an indication of pairwise dependence. I hope this could help you. So the point I am making is that there are clear and hopefully viable alternatives to genetic manipulation without the risks. First is via S-function, but as you say, you'd need to write a TLC file to generate the code. 'String', str . That's why I just repeated the process on a plain computer. NET and take values of each property specially property values of blocks on that model and upload it to my application database. Governments and corporations dream of continued economic growth - economic growth can't solve this crisis, but we can. How can I break with this problem? Please contact your system administrator to report this fault. Normally it works between different subfunctions within one gui m-file by calling the handles structure of the other one. my query is,how can i manipulate my mdl files with gui without having to do . If you go to the supermarkets, you'll see on display just six or so varieties of potatoes. I'm doing this using the disp. How do I code in such a way that it is generalized for everyone. The full setup is below. From alanwilter at Wed Jul 11 16:36:05 2007 From: alanwilter at (Alan) Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 15:36:05 +0100 Subject: [Compiler-sig] building static python with Numeric Message-ID: <> Dears, It's about Pyhton for Linux X86. First, I would like to know if it's possible to build a fully static python binary, something that does not depends on others libraries when using 'ldd python', e.g. If so, how? Second, I would like to build a python for distribution that would include (statically if possible) the package Numeric-24.2. Is it possible? How? Summarising, I would like to build a python binary independent of others libraries where I could 'import Numeric'. I would appreciate very much any help here. Many thanks in advance. Cheers, Alan From nnorwitz at Fri Jul 13 06:22:50 2007 From: nnorwitz at (Neal Norwitz) Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 21:22:50 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] building static python with Numeric In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Alan. I'm pretty sure the answer to both your questions is yes it's possible. This is not the best list to answer your questions though. I'd suggest you mail python-list at which is the same as the comp.lang.python newsgroup. I'd bet Google could find the answer even faster though. :-) Cheers, n On 7/11/07, Alan <alanwilter at> wrote: > Dears, > > It's about Pyhton for Linux X86. > > First, I would like to know if it's possible to build a fully static > python binary, something that does not depends on others libraries > when using 'ldd python', e.g. If so, how? > > Second, I would like to build a python for distribution that would > include (statically if possible) the package Numeric-24.2. Is it > possible? How? > > Summarising, I would like to build a python binary independent of > others libraries where I could 'import Numeric'. > > I would appreciate very much any help here. > > Many thanks in advance. > > Cheers, > Alan > _______________________________________________ > Compiler-sig mailing list > Compiler-sig at > > From grb at Sat Jul 14 22:46:38 2007 From: grb at (Ira Frederick) Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 22:46:38 +0200 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: email.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 14614 bytes Desc: not available Url : From osqw at Sun Jul 15 04:00:58 2007 From: osqw at (Valentine Milton) Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 19:00:58 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] British Message-ID: <> Big News For SZSN! Shares Rocket! UP 37.5% Shandong Zhouyuan Seed and Nursery Co., Ltd (SZSN) $0.33 UP 37.5% SZSN new releases show huge expansion and Multi-Million dollar projects. Share prices rocket! Friday's trading was strong. Get On SZSN first thing Monday! We're still evaluating the number of customers who will continue to need this feature and we're planning accordingly. knockoff called OO Catastrophe! But it will store it randomly using a different filename and location. The statement which you cited mentions support. Filtering Table Rows You can associate a RowFilter with the TableRowSorter and use it to filter the contents of a table. The application uses SwingWorker for all image search and download tasks. Or do you also work with the Java programming language? You should use the command-line or manifest-file option for that. The ImageRetriever class is responsible for retrieving a larger version of the image when a user selects it from the list. You can see all the different widgets in action and learn how to build one yourself using NetBeans. We wanted to benefit from all that the Java platform has to offer, but use a development framework that would allow you to develop quickly, and maintain easily. Try opening the woodhill. For example, if it is . Dennis Gu: Theoretically, the applet is running under the sandbox security manager and is very safe to use. However, its aim is to have OpenLaszlo applications run on Java ME without the need for any specific players. If Wall Street stock trading stops for five seconds, there are regulatory implications. Send us your story, and share it with your fellow developers. Accessing your UI components or their event handlers from other threads will cause update and drawing errors in the UI. What projects do you have planned for the f However, this chapter goes a bit further and pairs this iterative process with its natural counterpart: testing. You can dump out the heap of a program, identify memory leaks, figure out if there's a deadlock, or contention of resources, or if a looping situation exists. What will Project Orbit bring to the platform? It seems to go in waves. Any thoughts about extending the plugin to allow downloading native libraries? Dennis Gu: Whether the special extension of a file can be opened by the browser is decided by browser's configuration, plus the plugin needed to be installed. , saying if you're running Linux use this library, on Windows use this library, etc. It didn't take many supposedly really, really simple maintenance requests before I realized that my colleagues and I were actually implementing a spiral model. In certain cases, you might want to dynamically update the splash screen while it is being displayed. The crux of the argument is simple: Should I extend an object whose functionality I wish to use or simply include a reference to a class of that type inside my object and delegate calls to it? Filtering allows users to display only the rows in a table that match user-supplied criteria. We have even used the networked drawing and chat functionality to play board games such as Chess. There's a press release about the project on OpenLaszlo website. However, the developer had to add the functionality manually in a custom way for each table that needed this feature. in the Java SE platform DST FAQ. Dasan has authored many white papers, books, patents, industry standards, and articles on services and service technologies, including the book, Hands-on Intranet. Finally, after the entire image downloads, the application displays it under the list. Make the icons semi-transparent and drag the map around, the image is still smooth! Each time you make a change, you need to run those tests. What will Project Orbit bring to the platform? Any thoughts about extending the plugin to allow downloading native libraries? The goal of DST is to maximize the daylight hours available during typical waking hours. I secretly said to myself that it would be awesome to have that title one day. Tell us about Uwyn and its genesis. Margarita Fisher: Java Plug-in allows end-users to cache an applet's resources locally. From bfwc at Mon Jul 16 15:50:52 2007 From: bfwc at (Frederick) Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:50:52 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: email.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 12277 bytes Desc: not available Url : From kqo at Tue Jul 17 00:23:11 2007 From: kqo at (Tristan Lindsey) Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:23:11 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: advertisement.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 9684 bytes Desc: not available Url : From csv610 at Tue Jul 17 09:31:32 2007 From: csv610 at (Chaman Singh Verma) Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:31:32 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Compiler-sig] Python2.5.1: Installation Problem on Solaris Message-ID: <> Hello, I am trying to install Python2.5 on solaris. I get the following message while installing. Everything works fine on Linux. Messages: bash-3.00$ make install Creating directory /export/home/csverma/Python/bin install: The -c, -f, -n options each require a directory following! Creating directory /export/home/csverma/Python/lib install: The -c, -f, -n options each require a directory following! make: *** [altbininstall] Error 2 bash-3.00$ Please help; csv --------------------------------- Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From akfk at Wed Jul 18 12:49:15 2007 From: akfk at (Nina D.Parks) Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:49:15 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: journal.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 17625 bytes Desc: not available Url : From pjt at Thu Jul 19 22:43:39 2007 From: pjt at (Magnus Q.Giles) Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 15:43:39 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: E-mail.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 9528 bytes Desc: not available Url : From qeu at Sun Jul 22 05:10:19 2007 From: qeu at (2000Greetings.Com) Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 22:10:19 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] You've received an ecard from a School mate! Message-ID: <001401c7cc0d$d59d3780$be4abdda@trnb.wa> Hi. School mate has sent you an ecard. See your card as often as you wish during the next 15 days. SEEING YOUR CARD If your email software creates links to Web pages, click on your card's direct www address below while you are connected to the Internet: Or copy and paste it into your browser's "Location" box (where Internet addresses go). We hope you enjoy your awesome card. Wishing you the best, Webmaster, 2000Greetings.Com From ggpa at Mon Jul 23 07:04:55 2007 From: ggpa at (Rosa N.Gallegos) Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:04:55 +0100 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: information.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 23468 bytes Desc: not available Url : From lfef at Mon Jul 23 17:28:33 2007 From: lfef at (Cyrus) Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 16:28:33 +0100 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Alert.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 29736 bytes Desc: not available Url : From zdqdr at Mon Jul 23 17:51:00 2007 From: zdqdr at (Mayo) Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 11:51:00 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] agreement Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: agreement.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 33966 bytes Desc: not available Url : From kgn at Mon Jul 23 20:03:34 2007 From: kgn at (Sylvester Boyce) Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 13:03:34 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: advertisement.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 8080 bytes Desc: not available Url : From vyvii at Tue Jul 24 07:30:41 2007 From: vyvii at (Hannah Griffith) Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:30:41 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] announcement Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: announcement.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 8598 bytes Desc: not available Url : From avq at Thu Jul 26 09:55:38 2007 From: avq at (Bonilla) Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:55:38 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Advertisement.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 18026 bytes Desc: not available Url : From rdkzv at Thu Jul 26 18:19:28 2007 From: rdkzv at (Win) Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:19:28 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Pdf Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Pdf.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 21403 bytes Desc: not available Url : From wxll at Sat Jul 28 04:30:59 2007 From: wxll at ( Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 22:30:59 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] You've received an ecard from a Neighbor! Message-ID: <001101c7d0bf$555d0940$ee4a241d@xjvr.vjwii> Hi. Neighbor has sent you an ecard. See your card as often as you wish during the next 15 days. SEEING YOUR CARD If your email software creates links to Web pages, click on your card's direct www address below while you are connected to the Internet: Or copy and paste it into your browser's "Location" box (where Internet addresses go). We hope you enjoy your awesome card. Wishing you the best, Mail Delivery System, From aqe at Mon Jul 30 04:00:43 2007 From: aqe at (Isaac) Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 21:00:43 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] article Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: article.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 15197 bytes Desc: not available Url : From quxas at Mon Jul 30 07:43:20 2007 From: quxas at (Juliana) Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:43:20 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Invitation.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 29054 bytes Desc: not available Url : From xtk at Wed Aug 8 22:22:45 2007 From: xtk at (Freddie) Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 16:22:45 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <000401c7d9f9$e17231b0$b12a41cf@bsft> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: question.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 27549 bytes Desc: not available Url : From pesw at Thu Aug 9 03:44:38 2007 From: pesw at (Pace) Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 20:44:38 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Cheque Message-ID: <000401c7da26$d8990d70$9c79c268@kjh> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Cheque.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 5514 bytes Desc: not available Url : From vjwii at Sat Aug 11 09:05:58 2007 From: vjwii at (Mathilda Montoya) Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:05:58 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <001101c7dbe6$11909ec0$775644e2@sqax> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: publication.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 7056 bytes Desc: not available Url : From plariviere at Mon Aug 13 08:23:55 2007 From: plariviere at (plariviere at Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:23:55 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: cancelled.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 11914 bytes Desc: not available Url : From art at Thu Aug 23 19:00:51 2007 From: art at (Free Web Tools) Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 13:00:51 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Please Confirm Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From espositoseguros at Mon Aug 27 14:29:49 2007 From: espositoseguros at (espositoseguros at Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:29:49 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] sheesh man, what are you thinkin Message-ID: <1IQ^> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mikemenace90 at Mon Aug 27 16:02:07 2007 From: mikemenace90 at (mikemenace90 at Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:02:07 +0200 Subject: [Compiler-sig] LOL, dude what are you doing Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From victor_toussi at Tue Sep 4 14:59:05 2007 From: victor_toussi at (Victor Toussi) Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 15:59:05 +0300 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Question about your item on eBay Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From office at Sun Sep 9 01:17:24 2007 From: office at (office at Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 18:17:24 -0500 Subject: [Compiler-sig] Are you ready for football season? Message-ID: <> We interrupt this life to bring you.....FOOTBALL! Let us keep you on top of every game everyday. Keep on top of all the games with our online game tracker: From karl.kobata at Mon Sep 17 20:13:14 2007 From: karl.kobata at (Karl Kobata) Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:13:14 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] (no subject) Message-ID: <5p5kll$> Please help. I am compiling wxPython in the cygwin environment on a laptop. I have posted a similar questions with wxPython user group, but since it is a compiler/linker related problem, the help is limited. I am apparently missing libraries from GTK2/ATK/etc. required to resolve the references. What libraries are they? How can I verify that I have them? What changes or options are required to resolve the errors? What changes will I need to make to distutils to compile and link properly. Please help. karl 1) the configure files used is as follows: ../configure \ --prefix=/opt/wx/2.8 \ --enable-optimise \ --enable-debug_flag \ --with-gtk=gtk+-2.0 \ --disable-stl \ --disable-shared \ --disable-sound \ --enable-rpath=/opt/wx/2.8/lib 2) once installed I have edited the file with - UNICODE = 0 - WX_CONFIG = '/opt/wx/2.8/bin/wx-config' 3) set environment variable: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/wx/2.8/lib setenv PATH /opt/wx/2.8/bin:$PATH 4) execute python build_ext --inplace --debug 5) when the linking starts I get a slew of unresolved variables. See below. ---------------------------------- > python build_ext --inplace --debug Preparing CORE... Preparing GLCANVAS... Preparing STC... Preparing GIZMOS... running build_ext building '_core_' extension creating build-gtk2 creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5 creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=_wxPython_table -DSWIG_PYTHON_OUTPUT_TUPLE -DWXP_USE_THREAD=1 -UNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXGTK__ -DXTHREADS -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -Iinclude -Isrc -I/opt/wx/2.8/lib/wx/include/gtk2-ansi-debug-static-2.8 -I/opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c src/helpers.cpp -o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/helpers.o -g -O0 cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++ gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=_wxPython_table -DSWIG_PYTHON_OUTPUT_TUPLE -DWXP_USE_THREAD=1 -UNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXGTK__ -DXTHREADS -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -Iinclude -Isrc -I/opt/wx/2.8/lib/wx/include/gtk2-ansi-debug-static-2.8 -I/opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp -o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk/_core_wrap.o -g -O0 cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++ src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp: In function `PyObject* _wrap_GetAccelFromString(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*)': src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp:32501: warning: `wxGetAccelFromString' is deprecated (declared at /opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8/wx/utils.h:571) src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp:32501: warning: `wxGetAccelFromString' is deprecated (declared at /opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8/wx/utils.h:571) g++ -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -g build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/helpers.o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk/_core_wrap.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/opt/wx/2.8/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib/python2.5/config -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangoxft-1.0 -lXft -lfreetype -lXrender -lXext -lfontconfig -lpangox-1.0 -lX11 -lpango-1.0 -lm -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -lSM -lexpat -lwxtiffd-2.8 -lwxjpegd-2.8 -lwxpngd-2.8 -lz -lpthread -liconv -lpython2.5 -o wx/_core_.dll /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_aui-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_xrc-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_qa-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_html-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_adv-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based_xml-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based_net-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 x7b): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_free_colors' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 xf1): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_alloc_color' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 x7c7): undefined reference to `_gdk_color_parse' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x9c): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xb2): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xbd): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xf7): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f1): undefined reference to `_gtk_main_iteration' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f6): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2e3): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2f8): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x316): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x344): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x354): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x3f8): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x40d): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xf7): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f1): undefined reference to `_gtk_main_iteration' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f6): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2e3): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2f8): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x316): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x344): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x354): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x3f8): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x40d): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x4c9): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x4ec): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x507): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x52a): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x53e): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x578): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x5b1): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x6cb): undefined reference to `_g_idle_add_full' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x7a9): undefined reference to `_gtk_window_new' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x7b6): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_realize' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xa99): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xb59): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xc19): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xcbc): undefined reference to `_gdk_visual_get_best_with_both' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xcda): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_new' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xce2): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_set_default_colorma ........... /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x40 5): undefined reference to `_inflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x4e 5): undefined reference to `_inflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x6a b): undefined reference to `_inflate' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xa3 9): undefined reference to `_zlibVersion' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xa5 1): undefined reference to `_zlibVersion' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xbc 5): undefined reference to `_inflateInit2_' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x12 ea): undefined reference to `_deflateInit2_' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x17 33): undefined reference to `_deflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x18 0a): undefined reference to `_deflate' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x1a 15): undefined reference to `_deflate' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status error: command 'g++' failed with exit status 1 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From karl.kobata at Sat Sep 22 23:25:15 2007 From: karl.kobata at (Karl Kobata) Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 14:25:15 -0700 Subject: [Compiler-sig] wxPython linking problem compiling in cygwin - HELP Message-ID: <5p5klh$> _____ From: Karl Kobata [mailto:karl.kobata at] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 11:13 AM To: 'compiler-sig at' Subject: Please help. I am compiling wxPython in the cygwin environment on a laptop. I have posted a similar questions with wxPython user group, but since it is a compiler/linker related problem, the help is limited. I am apparently missing libraries from GTK2/ATK/etc. required to resolve the references. What libraries are they? How can I verify that I have them? What changes or options are required to resolve the errors? What changes will I need to make to distutils to compile and link properly. Please help. karl 1) the configure files used is as follows: ../configure \ --prefix=/opt/wx/2.8 \ --enable-optimise \ --enable-debug_flag \ --with-gtk=gtk+-2.0 \ --disable-stl \ --disable-shared \ --disable-sound \ --enable-rpath=/opt/wx/2.8/lib 2) once installed I have edited the file with - UNICODE = 0 - WX_CONFIG = '/opt/wx/2.8/bin/wx-config' 3) set environment variable: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/wx/2.8/lib setenv PATH /opt/wx/2.8/bin:$PATH 4) execute python build_ext --inplace --debug 5) when the linking starts I get a slew of unresolved variables. See below. ---------------------------------- > python build_ext --inplace --debug Preparing CORE... Preparing GLCANVAS... Preparing STC... Preparing GIZMOS... running build_ext building '_core_' extension creating build-gtk2 creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5 creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src creating build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=_wxPython_table -DSWIG_PYTHON_OUTPUT_TUPLE -DWXP_USE_THREAD=1 -UNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXGTK__ -DXTHREADS -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -Iinclude -Isrc -I/opt/wx/2.8/lib/wx/include/gtk2-ansi-debug-static-2.8 -I/opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c src/helpers.cpp -o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/helpers.o -g -O0 cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++ gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=_wxPython_table -DSWIG_PYTHON_OUTPUT_TUPLE -DWXP_USE_THREAD=1 -UNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES -D__WXDEBUG__ -D__WXGTK__ -DXTHREADS -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API -Iinclude -Isrc -I/opt/wx/2.8/lib/wx/include/gtk2-ansi-debug-static-2.8 -I/opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp -o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk/_core_wrap.o -g -O0 cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++ src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp: In function `PyObject* _wrap_GetAccelFromString(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*)': src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp:32501: warning: `wxGetAccelFromString' is deprecated (declared at /opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8/wx/utils.h:571) src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp:32501: warning: `wxGetAccelFromString' is deprecated (declared at /opt/wx/2.8/include/wx-2.8/wx/utils.h:571) g++ -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base -g build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/helpers.o build-gtk2/temp.cygwin-1.5.24-i686-2.5/src/gtk/_core_wrap.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/opt/wx/2.8/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib/python2.5/config -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangoxft-1.0 -lXft -lfreetype -lXrender -lXext -lfontconfig -lpangox-1.0 -lX11 -lpango-1.0 -lm -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -lSM -lexpat -lwxtiffd-2.8 -lwxjpegd-2.8 -lwxpngd-2.8 -lz -lpthread -liconv -lpython2.5 -o wx/_core_.dll /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_aui-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_xrc-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_qa-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_html-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_adv-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based_xml-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based_net-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 x7b): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_free_colors' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 xf1): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_alloc_color' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_colour.o):colour.cpp:(.text+0 x7c7): undefined reference to `_gdk_color_parse' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x9c):u ndefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xb2):u ndefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xbd):u ndefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xd4):u ndefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xf7):u ndefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f1): undefined reference to `_gtk_main_iteration' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f6): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2e3): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2f8): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x316): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x344): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x354): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x3f8): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x40d): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xd4):u ndefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xf7):u ndefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f1): undefined reference to `_gtk_main_iteration' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x1f6): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2e3): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x2f8): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x316): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x344): undefined reference to `_gtk_events_pending' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x354): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x3f8): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_get_type' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x40d): undefined reference to `_g_type_class_peek' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x4c9): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x4ec): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x507): undefined reference to `_g_signal_lookup' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x52a): undefined reference to `_g_signal_add_emission_hook' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x53e): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x578): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_enter' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x5b1): undefined reference to `_gdk_threads_leave' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x6cb): undefined reference to `_g_idle_add_full '/opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x7a9) :undefined reference to `_gtk_window_new' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0x7b6): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_realize' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xa99): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xb59): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xc19): undefined reference to `_g_source_remove' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xcbc): undefined reference to `_gdk_visual_get_best_with_both' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xcda): undefined reference to `_gdk_colormap_new' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_gtk2d_core-2.8.a(corelib_app.o):app.cpp:(.text+0xce2): undefined reference to `_gtk_widget_set_default_colorma ........... /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x40 5): undefined reference to `_inflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x4e 5): undefined reference to `_inflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x6a b): undefined reference to `_inflate' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xa3 9): undefined reference to `_zlibVersion' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xa5 1): undefined reference to `_zlibVersion' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0xbc 5): undefined reference to `_inflateInit2_' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x12 ea): undefined reference to `_deflateInit2_' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x17 33): undefined reference to `_deflateEnd' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x18 0a): undefined reference to `_deflate' /opt/wx/2.8/lib/libwx_based-2.8.a(baselib_zstream.o):zstream.cpp:(.text+0x1a 15): undefined reference to `_deflate' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status error: command 'g++' failed with exit status 1 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ritunam2005 at Mon Sep 24 01:37:01 2007 From: ritunam2005 at (ritunam2005 at Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 19:37:01 -0400 Subject: [Compiler-sig] The big trader Message-ID: <> SREA Plans Big Release For Monday Score One Inc (S R E A) Price: $0.10 Last big release caused a frenzy. Get in before the news hits the wires on Mon.