From wah_meng at  Sun Sep 18 11:32:01 2011
From: wah_meng at (Wah Meng Wong)
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 02:32:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] Python 2.7.1 Build on HP-UX11.31 ia64 Build with acc
	- Many modules failed to build
Message-ID: <>

Hello there,

I am working on python build on my server using HP-UX ANSI C Compiler. I want to be consistent using aCC throughout instead of gcc for my python and cx_Oracle build as Oracle is not supporting gcc build much. Here is my aCC version. 

# swlist -l product | grep Compiler
? ACXX????????????????? C.06.26.EVAL?? HP C/aC++ Compiler 
? C-ANSI-C????????????? C.06.26.EVAL?? HP C/aC++ Compiler 
? COMPLIBS????????????? B.11.31??????? Compiler Support Libraries 

Anyhow, my issue now is when I am building my python in 64-bit, I am encountering many modules failed to build issue, despite the python executable is successfully built. There are just so many modules that failed, that I would conclude my build failed. :P
I followed through the instruction in README file for 64-bit build using HP-UX compiler (--without-gcc option is used in configure). I exported and unexported the environment variables before configure and make is run, respectively. I also removed -O option in the Makefile before running make. 

I have a few questions.

1.) Why Makefile is re-generated after python executable is created? I noticed the removal of optimization flag in Makefile is gone/restored after python binary is generated. 

2.) 64-bit option. It seems that this is a bad flag that linker doesn't recognize? Many important modules failed to build, and I believe its due to this error. When I manually execute ld without passing in +DD64 flag, the module is generated successfull. 

 -b +DD64 -lxnet 
 -L/usr/local/lib -lm -o build/lib.hp-ux-B.11.31-ia64-2.7/
ld: Unrecognized argument: +DD64
Fatal error.

Above is just showing one of the modules that failed to build. 

3.) Built in modules, I see the compiler cannot find the bit of information required to build _tkinter module. How do I make the configure able to locate my tcl/tk source code or binary which I have already installed and built separately (and successfully)? So, where do I place the source code if I need to put it so that the compiler can find? 

To end my question, here is the outcome of my build. For build in modules, I just need my _tkinter running. For shared libraries, I think? need most of them, those are the basic functions that my application calls. 

Thanks in advance for your reply. 

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
_bsddb???????????? _curses??????????? _curses_panel?? 
 _ssl?????????????? _tkinter??????? 
bsddb185?????????? bz2??????????????? dl????????????? 
gdbm?????????????? imageop??????????? linuxaudiodev?? 
ossaudiodev??????? readline?????????? spwd??????????? 
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:
_bisect??????????? _codecs_cn???????? _codecs_hk????? 
_codecs_iso2022??? _codecs_jp???????? _codecs_kr????? 
_codecs_tw???????? _collections?????? _csv??????????? 
_ctypes??????????? _ctypes_test??????
_functools???????? _heapq???????????? _hotshot??????? 
_io??????????????? _json????????????? _locale???????? 
_lsprof??????????? _md5?????????????? _multibytecodec 
_multiprocessing?? _random??????????? _sha??????????? 
 _struct??????????? _testcapi?????? 
array????????????? audioop??????????? binascii??????? 
cmath????????????? cPickle??????????? crypt?????????? 
cStringIO????????? datetime?????????? dbm???????????? 
fcntl????????????? future_builtins???
itertools????????? math?????????????? mmap??????????? 
nis??????????????? operator?????????? parser????????? 
pyexpat??????????? resource?????????? select????????? 
strop????????????? syslog???????????? termios???????? 
time?????????????? unicodedata?????????????? 
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From wah_meng at  Mon Sep 19 12:03:50 2011
From: wah_meng at (Wah Meng Wong)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 03:03:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Compiler-sig] necessary bits to build _tkinter was not found
	during Python 2.7.1 built on HP-UX 11.31 ia64 with HP C Compiler
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello There,

What are the Environment variables that I need to set in order for my python build include the build of the _tkinter module? I have already built and install my tcl8.5 and wish8.5 on the same server. For your information I am building python 2.7.1 using HP-UX Compiler aCC (CC="cc +DD64" and CXX=aCC) on HP-UX11.31 ia64 machine. I don't care much about other modules but I would like to know how to build _tkinter successfully. Thanks!

Wah Meng

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not
_bsddb???????????? _curses??????????? _curses_panel?? 
 _ssl?????????????? _tkinter??????? 
bsddb185?????????? bz2??????????????? dl????????????? 
gdbm?????????????? imageop??????????? linuxaudiodev?? 
ossaudiodev??????? readline?????????? spwd??????????? 
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