[Conferences] Announcing PyCon Philippines!

Daniel Greenfeld pydanny at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 01:36:09 CEST 2012

Hello all,

Audrey Roy and I will be in the Philippines from around June 20 until
July 2. After talking with members of the Python user group there, we
decided to help run the first PyCon Philippines, The dates are set at
June 30 to July 1.

Right now venue and speakers are being lined up, as well as many other
logistic necessities. Time is very short and we (the growing cadre of
volunteers) are all going as fast as we can to make this a success.

We are working out the sponsor package now. The base package will be
for 10,000 Pesos, about USD $230, making it very reasonable. Everyone
involved is a volunteer, and excess funds will either go to future
Philippine Python events or be donated to the PSF.

What we also need is advice and guidance, not to mention blogging and
marketing assistance.


'Knowledge is Power'
Daniel Greenfeld

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