[Conferences] Establishing the organization for PyCon SE

Fredrik Håård fredrik.haard at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 20:31:49 CET 2013

Hi all,

For those of you not following the discussion about the organization of
PyCon Sweden, we are in the process of establishing a non-profit
organization (ideell förening) for the legal aspects of the conference
and other needs related to the community.

We've planned to have a meeting to establish the ruling document
(stadgar), the oard and their responsabilities. This meeting will also
serve as the first general assembly (årsmöte) and will take place on
January 8, at 12:00 in Stockholm (place to be determined).

For more details about the previous discussions, you can see
https://gingerhq.com/pycon-se/11168/stadgar-ruling-document/. As always,
if you don't have access, please just ping Nicolas Lara
<nicolaslara at gmail.com> and he'll get you in right away.

Enjoy your holidays, and see you on January for more planning/coding!

/Fredrik Håård
(message mostly written by Nicolas Lara)
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