[core-workflow] Questions about the core workflow

Stefan Krah skrah.temporarily at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 13:36:43 EST 2015

> I honestly don't know how the different areas of concern break down
across the core contributor base, and I've seen enough demands for
free software and privacy advocates to "stop being unreasonable" in
various contexts to suspect that an anonymous survey (that is still
somehow restricted to core developers) would be the only way to get an
even halfway accurate assessment.

I fully agree. Since 5 years or so stating any kind of opinion that
remotely resembles the original free software principles (by that I
don't mean necessarily Stallman's views, just a basic desire for
decency, privacy, and a free and open atmosphere) is shouted down

Here, we are still fortunate enough to have people like you who at
least tried the open Kallithea approach!

[For the record, I'll need a work related GitHub account from next
year on.  I'll probably give up and move my private projects there,
too, because honestly I'm tired of constantly defending minority

Stefan Krah

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