[core-workflow] Questions about the proposed workflows

Eric Snow ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 20:16:14 EST 2015

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> Berker also said a bot could do the ff workflow which could also handle the
> NEWS problem as well as long term branches. Assuming that's true and we
> choose to solve those problems that way then it will be true on either
> platform.

FWIW, for juju we've been using a merge bot with github for well over
a year and it's proven effective.  We also have a webhook set up that
interacts with reviewboard for reviews.  Take a look at any of the PRs
at github.com/juju/juju.

The merge button is only available to folks in the project's admin(?)
group.  I expect this could be set up relative to the org as well.
Merges by those in the committer group are initiated by leaving a
"$$some text here$$" comment on the PR, which the bot picks up.  In
the case of juju the merge bot effectively just pushes the merge
button when done, but I expect a merge bot could do other things like
ff or squashing.


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