[core-workflow] Other thoughts on the workflow

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Nov 29 23:08:02 EST 2015

On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 30 November 2015 at 03:12, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> > Thanks for the feedback. And the "do nothing" option is there, although
> it's
> > so disliked by so many people that the chances of us not changing our
> > workflow is pretty slim.
> The interests of folks that prefer the terminal focused
> "commit-locally-and-push" workflow can still be taken into account in
> the evaluation though - while it appears likely either GitHub or
> GitLab will be adopted as the repository management service, whether
> or not the maintenance branches and the default branch are marked as
> protected so even core developers *have* to go through the web based
> merge process is a separate question.

What?! I've never worked with a GitHub-based project where you *had* to use
the web-based merge process. Hopefully that's not really on the table. In
fact I'm not a big fan of GitHub's web-based merge process at all -- I much
prefer seeing a simple linear history in the master (and I don't like
preserving  intermediate commits made during the PR review process).

> There are also tools like git-pulls (Ruby:
> https://github.com/schacon/git-pulls) and hub (Go:
> https://hub.github.com/) that let folks review and merge GitHub PRs
> from the terminal. (I had a quick look through some of the command
> line clients listed at https://about.gitlab.com/applications/, but
> didn't see anything as workflow focused as git-pulls or hub, so "good
> support for terminal based usage" may count as a concrete technical
> differentiator here)

Review and merge process should be separable. After 10+ years of using
web-based review tools I personally wouldn't dream of using a
terminal-based *review* (as opposed to merge) process. Though of course if
that's your preference you should be able to do it.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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