[core-workflow] GitHub migration update for 2016-12-03

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Dec 5 07:14:04 EST 2016

On Sun, 04 Dec 2016 00:40:49 +0000
Brett Cannon <brett at snarky.ca> wrote:
>    - I got the code for hg.python.org/hglookup
>       - Asking if there's any reason I can't post it publicly

None than I can think of.

>       - Need to figure out the best way to extract all commit IDs from a
>       Mercurial repoistory

Probably iterate over all entries in the revlog and inspect the "extra"
field as is done in hglookup?  That way you can build a static mapping
of SVN rev -> hg changeset ID, and save it e.g. to a file.

>       - Need to update the code to use the commit IDs (both 12 and 40
>       character lengths) for linking to hg commits
>       - Need to update the code to accept 10 or longer hashes from git
>       (default used to be 7, but git 2.11 now calculates the shortest,
>       unamibiguous hash and CPython is big enough to need 10 characters)

I'm not sure I understand those two points, but that probably doesn't



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