[core-workflow] My initial thoughts on the steps/blockers of the transition

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Jan 5 13:13:19 EST 2016

Day 1 summary

Decisions made
- We will create a python-dev team in the python org and add that team to
all of the relevant repos that get migrated
- We will add a GitHub field to Roundup and then write/get a CLA bot that
will query Roundup to check if someone has (not) signed the CLA
- For ancillary repos, the merge-of-least-resistance workflow is fine, so
no need to worry about maintaining a linear history
- We are going to keep all of the cpython history in a single repo
- We will have PRs go against master and then we will cherry pick into
bugfix branches
- Misc/ACKS will be kept and we will write code to update it on occasion --
probably at release time -- based on git commit data
- Seems like our current commit ID -> URL service can be updated to handle
our transition

Open issues
- What tools and commands will we use to convert the repos?
- How do we want to handle Misc/NEWS?
- What are the exact commands we are going to expect core devs to run
(which will be documented in the devguide)?
- Who to use for CI (although Donald is the only one to speak up and likes
Travis as do I, so this might be decided)?
- Who to use for code coverage (Donald has suggested codecov)?
- Do we want to add GitHub login support for b.p.o to ease in adding
people's GitHub username and to minimize the need for two accounts to
propose a patch that has a corresponding issue?

On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 at 16:42 Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:

> So consider this the starting discussion of the PEP that will be the
> hg.python.org -> GitHub transition PEP that I will be in charge of. Once
> we have general agreement on the steps necessary I will start the actual
> PEP and check it in, but I figure there's no point in have a skeleton PEP
> if we can't agree on the skeleton. :) While I list steps influencing all
> the repos, I want to focus on the ones stopping any repo from moving over
> for now, expanding what we worry about to the cpython repo as we knock
> blockers down until we move everything over and start adding GitHub perks.
> The way I see it, we have 4 repos to move: devinabox, benchmarks, peps,
> devguide, and cpython. I also think that's essentially the order we should
> migrate them over. Some things will need to be universally handled before
> we transition a single repo, while other things are only a blocker for some
> of the repos.
> Universal blockers
> ==============
> There are four blockers that must be resolved before we even consider
> moving a repo over. They can be solved in parallel, but they all need to
> have a selected solution before we can move even the devinabox repo.
> First, we need to decide how we are going to handle adding all the core
> devs to GitHub. Are we simply going to add all of them to the python
> organization, or do we want something like a specific python-dev gteamroup
> that gets added to all of the relevant repos? Basically I'm not sure how
> picky we want to be about the people who already have organization access
> on GitHub about them implicitly getting access to the cpython repo at the
> end of the day (and the same goes for any of the other repos in the python
> organization). For tracking names, I figure we will create a file in the
> devguide where people can check in their GitHub usernames and I can
> manually add people as people add themselves to the file.
> Second, CLA enforcement. As of right now people go to
> https://www.python.org/psf/contrib/contrib-form/, fill in the form, and
> then Ewa gets an email where she manually flips a flag in Roundup. If we
> want to use a web hook to verify someone has signed a CLA then we need to
> decide where the ground truth for CLAs are. Do we want to keep using
> Roundup to manage CLA agreements and thus add a GitHub field in
> bugs.python.org for people's profile and a web hook or bot that will
> signal if someone has the flag flipped on bugs.python.org? Or is there
> some prepackaged service that we can use that will keep track of this which
> would cause us to not use Roundup (which might be easier, but depending on
> the service require everyone to re-sign)? There's also the issue of
> supporting people who want to submit code by uploading a patch to
> bugs.python.org but not use GitHub. Either way I don't want to have to
> ask everyone who submits a PR what their bugs.python.org username is and
> then go check that manually.
> Third, how do we want to do the repo conversions? We need to choose the
> tool(s) and command(s) that we want to use. There was mention of wanting a
> mapping from hg commit ID to git commit ID. If we have that we could have a
> static bugs.python.org/commit/<ID> page that had the mapping embedded in
> some JavaScript and if <ID> matched then we just forward them to the
> corresponding GitHub commit page, otherwise just blindly forward to GitHub
> and assume the ID is git-only, giving us a stable URL for commit web views.
> Fourth, for the ancillary repos of devinabox, peps, benchmarks, and
> devguide, do we care if we use the GitHub merge button for PRs or do we
> want to enforce a linear history with all repos? We just need to decide if
> care about linear histories and then we can move forward since any bot we
> create won't block us from using GitHub.
> Those four things are enough to move devinabox over. It probably is enough
> for the benchmarks suite, but I have an email to speed@ asking if people
> want to use this opportunity to re-evaluate the benchmark suite and make
> any changes that will affect repo size (e.g., use pip to pull in the
> libraries and frameworks used by a benchmark rather than vendoring their
> code, making the repo much smaller).
> Website-related stuff
> ================
> This also almost gets us the peps repo, but we do need to figure out how
> to change the website to build from the git checkout rather than an hg one.
> Same goes for the devguide. It would be great if we can set up web hooks to
> immediately trigger rebuilds of those portions of the sites instead of
> having to wait until a cronjob triggers.
> CPython requirements
> =================
> There are six things to work out before we move over cpython. First, do we
> want to split out Python 2 branches into their own repo? There might be a
> clone size benefit which obviously is nice for people on slow Internet
> connections. It also clearly separates out Python 2 from 3 and lets those
> who prefer to focus on one compared to the other do that more easily. It
> does potentially make any single fix that spans 2 and 3 require a bit more
> work since it won't be an intra-clone change. We could also contemplate
> sub-repos for things like the Doc/ or Tools/ directories (although I doubt
> it's worth it).
> Second, do we want all fixes to go into master and then cherry-pick into
> other branches, or do we want to follow our current practice of going into
> the active feature branch and then merge into master? I personally prefer
> the former and I think most everyone else does as well, but I thought it
> should be at least thought about.
> Third, how to handle Misc/NEWS? We can add a NEWS field to bugs.python.org
> and then generate the NEWS file by what issues are tied to what version and
> when they were closed. The other approach is to create a file per NEWS
> entry in a version-specific directory (Larry created code for hg already
> for this to give people an idea: http://bugs.python.org/issue18967). Then
> when we cut a release we run a tool the slurps up all of the relevant files
> -- which includes files in the directory for the next feature release which
> represent fixes which were cherry picked -- and generates the NEWS file for
> the final release. The per-file approach is bot-friendly and also
> CLI-friendly, but potentially requires more tooling and I don't know if
> people feel news entries should be tied to the issue or in the repo
> (although that assumes people find tweaking Roundup easy :).
> Fourth, we need to decide exactly what commands we expect core devs to run
> initially for committing code. Since we agreed to a linear history we need
> to document exactly what we expect people to do for a PR to get it into
> their git repo. This will go into the devguide -- probably will want to
> start a github branch at some point -- and will act as the commands the bot
> will want to work off of.
> Fifth, what to do about Misc/ACKS? Since we are using PRs, even if we
> flatten them, I believe the PR creators will get credit in the commit as
> the author while the core dev committing will be flagged as the person
> doing the merge (someone correct me if I'm wrong because if I am this whole
> point is silly). With the commits containing credit directly, we can either
> automatically generate Misc/ACKS like the NEWS file or simply drop it for
> future contributors and just leave the file for past contributors since git
> will have kept track for us.
> Six, we will need to update our Buildbot fleet.
> This gets us to the bare minimum needed to function.
> Parity with hg.python.org
> ----------------------------------
> For parity, there are some Roundup integrations that will be necessary,
> like auto-generating links, posting commits to #python-dev on IRC, etc. I'm
> not sure if people want to block until that is all in place or not. I do
> think we should make sure there is some web hook that can take an issue #
> from the title of a PR and automatically posts to the corresponding issue
> on bugs.python.org that the PR exists. If people disagree then feel free
> to say so.
> Adding perks
> ==========
> Now we get to some added stuff that we never had on our own
> infrastructure. :)
> We should wire up CI for all PRs. I don't know if we want to go with
> Travis, Codeship, or what CI provider, but we should definitely hook it up
> and fully utilize the resource. This could even include running doctest
> over the docs, making sure the reST markup is accurate, etc.
> Do we need to set up a web hook to trigger website rebuilds? We should at
> least have a mirror on Read the Docs that is triggered by web hook so that
> we have a backup of the documentation (if possible; not sure how custom our
> Sphinx setup is compared to what they require to work).
> We should try to get test coverage wired up as well per CI. I don't know
> if coveralls.io or some other provider is best, but we should see what is
> available and find out if we can use them to either get basic coverage or
> thorough coverage (read
> https://hg.python.org/devinabox/file/tip/README#l124 to see what thorough
> coverage entails, but it does require a checkout of coverage.py).
> We should build a bot. It must use a Monty Python reference to trigger
> (black-knight, none-shall-pass, man-from-scene-24, five-questions,
> what-is-your-quest, what-is-your-favourite-colour, etc.; obviously I'm
> leaning towards the Black Knight or Bridge of Death scenes from the Holy
> Grail for inspiration since they deal with blocking you from doing
> something). It should handle specifying the commit message, what branches
> to commit to/cherry pick into, and a NEWS entry (if necessary). I don't
> know if it needs to do anything else as a requirement. It should probably
> implement a commit queue like Zuul or Homu (and both of those can be
> considered as the basis of the bot). Also gating commits on passing a test
> run probably would also be good.
> I'm sure we will want to use some labels and milestones to track what PRs
> are for what versions, if they are blocked on something, etc.
> ---
> Long email! :) I think that is my current brain dumped in email form. As I
> said at the beginning, I think we should focus on what is blocking the
> easiest repos first and then just keep knocking down blockers as we try to
> move over more repos.
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