[core-workflow] Github Mirrors - Should Disallow Pull Request / Issue Creation Until the migration

Senthil Kumaran senthil at uthcode.com
Fri Jul 8 21:30:29 EDT 2016

I noticed two issues wherein the reporters were confused with the
github mirrors of cpython.

1. http://bugs.python.org/issue25435#msg253159

A pull request was raised against the github mirror.

2. http://bugs.python.org/issue27466

Issue was raised against a github mirror:

This project, https://github.com/python-git  should either redirect to
github.com/python or shutdown.
And the github.com/python project should disallow Pull Request / Issue

Who can I work with (in the python infra team) to accomplish these things?
  Also if anyone else has suggestions please share it in this email thread.

Thank you,
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