[core-workflow] CircleCI or Travis?

Berker Peksağ berker.peksag at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 22:42:31 EST 2016

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> https://github.com/brettcannon/cpython-ci-test has configurations for both
> CircleCI and Travis. If I'm missing something in either configuration then
> please let me know (e.g. there is still a free container to use on
> CircleCI). If I also missed a better CI service then also let me know (but I
> don't think I have).
> Otherwise please look at the output of both CI services and let it be known
> which service you prefer (i.e. +1/+0/-0/-1 for both services). Ignore the
> fact that the doc tests are failing as I have fixed that in Python 3.6 and
> 3.7 already. Consider ease of reading the output, how long it took to build
> (e.g. I might turn off macOS support on Travis because they seem to have
> under-provisioned those machines), etc.

+1 for Travis CI because I'm more familiar with it. I only looked at
the latest builds and it looks like Travis CI is faster than Circle CI
(12 min vs. 30 min, excluding installing dependencies etc.)

Thanks for working on this, Brett! :)


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