[core-workflow] What instructions to give for squashing PRs from the CLI?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Oct 7 23:23:58 EDT 2016

On Oct 07, 2016, at 01:35 PM, Oleg Broytman wrote:

>    $ git fetch github pull/$ID/head:$BRANCHNAME
>    $ git checkout master
>    $ git merge --squash $BRANCHNAME
>    $ git branch -d $BRANCHNAME

This works well, and is generally the instructions that GitLab provides for
local CLI merges.  A few things to note.

>    $ git fetch github pull/$ID/head:$BRANCHNAME
This is the remote name, so it will usually be 'origin' but it can be anything
(i.e. it's up to the local user).

>    $ git fetch github pull/$ID/head:$BRANCHNAME
This isn't strictly necessary.  If not given, use FETCH_HEAD.  And if you want
to do some things with the branch before you merge it to master (e.g. add
NEWS, uncommit code changes to make sure that the tests prove a fix works,
etc.) then you can:

    $ git co -b $BRANCHNAME FETCH_HEAD

Of course, $BRANCHNAME can be anything you want.

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