[core-workflow] What do people want Bedevere to do for issue numbers in PRs?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Apr 15 18:21:26 EDT 2017

When I implemented Bedevere's bpo issue number detection it was to do it as
a status check as I thought that's what people wanted (
https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues/13). But now others are
saying they want a comment with a link to the issue number (

So which one(s)? :) The status check has the perk of being very visible so
that people know it's missing (arguably if you don't check your PR you
won't notice the failure, but if you're not checking the status of the PR
then there are other problems to attend to). The drawback is that you have
to know that the Details link for a successful check links to
bugs.python.org and that once the PR is closed the link is gone. The perk
of a comment is it's in your face and easy to find. The drawback of a
comment is you always be notified about the comment which might get

So what I'm asking is what do people want? The status check? A comment?
Both? I know people want *something* since dealing with specifying the
issue number has been coming up consistently since we started the new
workflow, but at this point I want a clear understanding of what people
want so this can be settled appropriately.
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