[core-workflow] What do people want Bedevere to do for issue numbers in PRs?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon Apr 17 14:30:00 EDT 2017

On Sun, 16 Apr 2017 at 21:24 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 17 April 2017 at 04:49, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> > Appending to the body of the pull request is an interesting idea. I'm not
> > sure what permissions the bot would need to have to be able to do that,
> > though (write access with public_repo?).
> If you can figure out how to make it work, I think that plus a status
> check would be the best option.

I poked around on a repo where I have write access but not admin access and
it looks like at least through the web UI I can edit the PR body. So I
*think* there's a good chance it's possible to append to the PR body
something like:

<!-- bedevere/issue-number -->
[bpo-NNN](https://bugs.python.org/issueNNNN) is the associated issue with
this pull request (and where all non-code discussions should occur,
including discussing overall design approaches to solving the issue).
<!-- END bedevere/issue-number -->

Then the bot can look for the comments in the raw Markdown to know where
the link is already present.

> Failing that, I think a comment would be a bit spammy, unless Bedevere
> was smart enough not to comment on backport PRs.

It's possible if people add the appropriate cherry-pick label to the PR.
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