[core-workflow] Choosing a prefix/label for issue numbers

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Fri Feb 3 19:06:05 EST 2017

On Feb 3, 2017, at 18:24, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> It looks like people in general prefer "bpo-NNNN" (sorry, Ned and MAL).

I'll live. :)

> Maciej, can we update the requisite regexes so that bpo-NNNN is acceptable in PR titles, PR comments, and commit messages?

Two things:

1. What about Maciej's earlier comment:

On Feb 2, 2017, at 16:20, Maciej Szulik <soltysh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm... for all the #NNN in commits we'll get quite a few false links in github, so maybe removing the # would
> be valuable, or replacing it with issue/bpo.

I'm guessing that's gonna be a ugly usability issue if all the old github commit pages offer invalid links for all of the old #nnnnn references.  Or am I missing something there?

2. What about Misc/NEWS entries?  Are we going to continue to ask committers to use the old format (Issue #nnnnn) there?  Note these are currently auto-linked in the docs builds, e.g. https://docs.python.org/3.6/whatsnew/changelog.html.

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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