[C++-SIG] py_cpp news

David Abrahams abrahams at mediaone.net
Fri Oct 20 04:47:36 CEST 2000

1. The review period is over and py_cpp has been accepted into boost! In the
next few weeks it will undergo changes in keeping with the review
commentary. Also, expect development activity to slow for a while as I will
be at the C++ committee meeting and Ullrich Koethe will also be away.

2. An update has been posted to
http://people.ne.mediaone.net/abrahams/downloads/py_cpp.html and

  a. Documentation of support for special method names has been added
  b. Workarounds for a Dec Alpha compiler/lib bug were added.
  c. Minor fixes to the rest of the documentation were made

3. There is still a little time to vote for a better name!


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