[C++-sig] Re: Why Python for C++ programmers

Dirk Gerrits dirk at gerrits.homeip.net
Fri Dec 6 00:44:48 CET 2002

David Abrahams wrote:
> Other thoughts?

* Programming in Python is much faster than programming in C++: great 
for prototyping.

* Functions are at best second class citizens in C++, not so in Python.

* Many APIs have C and Python bindings but not C++ bindings. So in 
Python you can use those APIs taking full advantage of the language, 
while in C++ you can only communicate with the API through a subset of 
the language. (You could of course communicate with the API in C++ using 
Boost.Python though. ;))

Just my two eurocents,

Dirk Gerrits

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