[C++-sig] C1204:Compiler limit quick question

Scott A. Smith ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu
Fri Dec 6 15:46:51 CET 2002

I have a quick question on avoiding error C1204 when using
BP and MSVC++ V6. I break up my code into separate files to
avoid the problem as directed in


Works great. But when it comes to doing so in a class I don't
see how to get an instance of my class into the module definition.
If I have my BP module (following along with the FAQ)

   def("foo", foo);
   class_<my_class>("my_class", init<>())
   more_of_my_class(x);   <======= ???

void more_of_my_class(class<my_class>& x)
     .def("baz", baz)
     .add_property("xx", &my_class::get_xx, &my_class::set_xx)

How to I get an reference to an instance of my_class?
That is, where do I get the x for the line "more_of_my_class(x);"
assuming this is the correct means of breaking up the class?

Thanks, Scott

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