boost::python, returning new PyObject references
Arnaldur Gylfason
arnaldur at
Sun Jan 6 19:00:11 CET 2002
> I guess I agree with you, now that we've considered the issues.
> I like where you've gone with C], with object derived from
> I was never very fond of the intermediate seqmap class, and it seems to
> unneeded in C]; am I right?
Thank you. You're right seqmap is unneeded.
This latest design is where I was heading but it was just materializing
now, so I don't blame you for being confused.
It is not perfect though.
A part of the abstract_object interface applies to most/all objects, e.g.
In this design number, list etc. would not have these methods.
Only abstract_object and object would have them (plus the proxies).
Using the private inheritance design could fix that.
I am not sure if this is a problem though.
What do you think?
Regarding attributes for list, I think the list interface has everything
one needs for working with a list,
so it doesn't have to inherit from any of the generic interface classes.
> Before moving along, you should probably take a moment to look at
> The object interface is one of CXX's central
> features, so it may be more fully-developed than what we have in
> Boost.Python. It would be a shame to overlook something which CXX has
> already handled in a superior way.
True. I have given it a look and I think we should go carefully over it
before completing the interfaces.
I personally think though, that the design we're aiming at is superior.
> Thanks for your patient work on this project, Arnaldur!
You're welcome. I am happy to have this opportunity to work with you.
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