boost::python, returning new PyObject references

David Abrahams david.abrahams at
Mon Jan 7 21:15:18 CET 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnaldur Gylfason" <arnaldur at>

> Dave,
> It would be great if you could give an example (maybe something that can
> solve object<sequence,mapping>)  so I can see the way.

I don't think we're ready to solve that problem yet, but let me try to
sketch an approach (just a sketch, keep that in mind):

1. Low-level interface components are supplied by type generators
corresponding to fine-grained interface elements. Their constructor contains
the validation code:

struct getattr_generator
    template <class T, Base = empty>
    struct type : Base
        void validate()
            T* self = static_cast<T*>(this);
            if (!self->ob_type->tp_getattr && !self->ob_type->tp_getattro)
                throw something;

        // maybe this should return object<>, I don't know.
        ref getattr(char const* name)
            T* self = static_cast<T*>(this);
            return ref(PyObject_GetAttrString(self->get_callback()(),

struct indexable_generator
    template <class T, Base = empty>
    struct type : Base
        // select the right proxy type
        typedef typename boost::mpl::select_type<
            , mutable_proxy
            , const_proxy>::type proxy;

        // implement operator[] for T
        template <class U>
        proxy operator[](U const& index_)
            ref index(to_python(index_));
            T* self = static_cast<T*>(this);

            return proxy(some_expression(self->get_callback(),
self->set_callback(), ref));

        void validate()
            T* self = static_cast<T*>(this);
                throw something;

Concepts such as sequence may correspond to a type_list of these generators.
In the case of sequence, I don't think there's anything more than indexable:

struct sequence : mpl::type_list<indexable_generator> {};
struct integral :
mpl::type_list<addable_generator,subtractable_generator,...> {};

then we can define object<c1,c2,> as:

template <class....>
struct object
    : gen_linear_hierarchy<
        typename get_unique_generators<mpl::type_list<c1,> >::type
    , use_generator<

where use_generator is something like:

template <class Object>
struct use_generator
    template <class Generator, class Base>
    struct apply
        typedef Generator::template type<Object, Base> type;

and where get_unique_generators is something like:

struct all_generators : mpl::type_list<
        indexable_generator,getattr_generator, setattr_generator...>

template <class ConceptList>
struct get_unique_generators
    typedef typename mpl::copy_if<all_generators, in_a_sublist<ConceptList>
>::type type;

and in_a_sublist is:

template <class ListOfLists>
struct in_a_sublist
    template <class T>
    struct apply
        BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value =
            // an expression which is true iff T is in any
            // of the Lists contained in ListOfLists

Whew, I'm tired now! This is pretty complicated; Perhaps it can be

> I have only taken a brief look at 2 files in boost::mpl but am interested
> in exploring this kind of programming.

It's a lot of fun. Take a look at the example and test directories also for
some illuminating samples.

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