boost::python, returning new PyObject references
David Abrahams
david.abrahams at
Wed Jan 9 20:49:19 CET 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arnaldur Gylfason" <arnaldur at>
<<Well. Taking a better look I think so. You're talking about providing an
implicit conversion through a non-explicit templated constructor, right?>>
Yes, just like std::pair, boost::shared_ptr, etc.... IOW, it's an
established idiom.
<<I was so focused on that there should be is-A relationship between them
that I thought that 1 should be a base class of the other. You're not
talking about that.
Am I getting this?>>
> How many slots are there? N. Now suppose we embed (N+15)/16 = M
> constants (e.g. enums) named slots1...slotsM in each capability
> Each one adds a single bit to the constants defined by its Base
> Then the assert becomes easy: the templated constructor just checks
for I =
> 1 to M to be sure that (self::slotsI & ~Other::slotsI) == 0.
<<OK. Makes the assert easier in the templated constructor?>>
Yes, at the expense of extensibility. If new slots are added, a user can't
neccessarily extend the capabilities without modifying the library. A
typelist-based approach could allow that.
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