[C++-sig] weave plus boost?

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 20 15:00:48 CET 2002

> My main interest here is to see if there is anyway that
> weave can benefit from the boost effort -- I'm almost sure
> there is.  weave (www.scipy.org/site_content/weave) is a
> tool for, among other things, inlining C/C++ within
> Python.

What is the main purpose of weave? Where is it applied?

Is my impression correct that weave uses python to call the C/C++
compiler? How do you address the issue of portability (custom
compiler flags, choice of compiler, etc.)?

My view of the Python/C++ world is roughly this:

I use Python where I can (i.e. performance is not critical)
and C++ where I must. Universally, the C++ code operates on
larger blocks of data (in the simplest case a vector).
Standard vector operations would be best covered by a
vector library (ecological niche of NumPy, but ideally with
true C++ vector types), more complex operations can easily be
interfaced via Boost.Python (i.e. the interface code tends
to be small compared to the code for the complex operation).

How does weave fit into this picture?


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