[C++-sig] building boost ...

Hugo van der Merwe s13361562 at bach.sun.ac.za
Thu Jan 24 16:29:28 CET 2002

> 4. go to the libs/python/build subdirectory of your boost installation, and
> invoke:
>     jam -sBUILD=release -sTOOLS=<toolset> -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.1


> This will build static and dynamic versions of the Boost.Python library.

Thanks. If I am in the Boost root dir, it works exactly the same, except
it builds more, right? I was missing the -sPYTHON_VERSION and the
-sBUILD=release, not sure what the latter does. But I still don't get
dynamically linkable .so's. (No output from "find ../../.. | grep so$")
This isn't too urgent though. The 2.1 was more important to me.

> Where toolset is the name of one of the supported toolsets (e.g. gcc).

What is the difference between gcc and gcc-stlport?


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