[C++-sig] trouble with virtual methods

Hugo van der Merwe s13361562 at bach.sun.ac.za
Thu Jan 31 12:12:49 CET 2002

> I have given up on reading debugger manuals because we have too many
> platforms. Here is my secret weapon for debugging extensions:
> #include <iostream>
> #define CheckPoint std::cout << __FILE__ << "(" << __LINE__ << ")" << std::endl
> << std::flush
> Keep inserting
> CheckPoint;
> in your code to narrow down the problem.
> Ralf

Thanks, that will work fine for extension debugging itself, I need to
debug what Boost is doing though: the python print command gets
executed, the C++ function I'm calling is not getting executed: I have
thus narrowed it down to Boost (possibly my fault for using it
incorrectly, who knows, that's what I want to find out), and I've not
the knowledge of Boost to want to fill it with checkpoints.

I'll follow Dave's advice, thanks. I assume all I need is to use the
debug build of boost binaries - and probably a debug version of Python
executable too. (gdb should then give me the right line numbers and

Will let you know what my results are, thanks.

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