[C++-sig] Re: Hnadling Python exceptions in C++

Berthold Höllmann hoel at germanlloyd.org
Fri Jul 19 17:49:31 CEST 2002

"David Abrahams" <david.abrahams at rcn.com> writes:

> From: "Berthold Hllmann" <hoel at germanlloyd.org>
> > OK, after thinking a bit about such a facility here is my idea. It
> > would be nice to have a C++ exception class that reads out
> > when instantiated and can be converted back into a Python exception
> > needed. I tried to start an implementation.
> Hi Berthold,
> Before posting an implementation, could you please explain the
> you're trying to cover, show the interface, and how it would be used?
> > The attached code is
> > untested, it is just posted to share the idea.
> Please don't use tabs when posting code; as you can see they

OK, I dove a little more into the boost python sources. One thing I
did not understand was the purpose of the function
"throw_error_already_set()". Why this indirection instead of calling
"throw error_already_set()"? But anyway, it would be nice to have a
facility to extract the error ocured when error_already_set was
thrown. Some access to the reason a command failed. This is where the
proposed class "error_handler " comes into play. It reads the Python
error state. It has a method "get_type" to get access to the python
exception thrown and it has an operator to put the exception
informations onto a stream. Calling the () operator will set back the
exception status and returns NULL, ready to be returned to Python:

try {
} catch (error_already_set) {
  boost::python::error::error_handler err;
  return err();

My proposed first interface would look like this:

#include <Python.h>
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace Error {
  class error_handler {
    object get_type();
    PyObject *error_handler::operator() (); // always returns NULL
    virtual void printOn(std::ostream&) const;
    PyObject *type, *value, *traceback;
  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                           const error_handler& el);
} } }

It's time for weekend now


Dipl.-Ing. Berthold H llmann   __   Address:
hoel at germanlloyd.org        G /  \ L Germanischer Lloyd
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