[C++-sig] Re: Boost.Python v2: object facilities updated

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Thu Jun 20 01:33:22 CEST 2002

From: "Dave Hawkes" <daveh at cadlink.com>

> > Next up: slicing, then list, tuple, dict, type, etc...
> >
> > Two jobs I could use help with:
> >
> > 1. Examine places in the public interface to the rest of the project
> > uses of PyObject* or handle<T> which should really be using object.
Make a
> > proposal for appropriate interface changes.
> >
> I'll tidy up the code for global module/sub-module/nested classes support
> use this where appropriate

Thanks. I'm really looking forward to integrating this stuff -- when I find
a few minutes ;-/.

> I noticed object.ptr().get() is really needed quite a bit and you created
> wrapper for it.

I assume you're seeing converter::get_managed_object() - that's not really
a wrapper for ptr().get(); it just happens to do that when passed an
object. Seriously; it has a different purpose.

> Maybe there should be an object member function called ptr_get()?

Didn't we just discuss this, with the conclusion that we shouldn't provide
direct access to the PyObject*?
Or are you just talking about implementation details?


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