[C++-sig] V2: wrapping int/double bug(?)
Pearu Peterson
pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue May 14 12:14:04 CEST 2002
On Mon, 13 May 2002, David Abrahams wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pearu Peterson" <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>
> > Actually, it was also a problem in Boost.Python v1 and then I solved this
> > issue by not using methods with int or float arguments but using
> > methods with PyObject* arguments and so avoiding the "smart" behaviour of
> > BPL and implementing conversion rules to my particular needs explicitly.
> So, I take it there is a reason that a single overload using a double
> argument doesn't suit your needs?
Yes, there is. As I mentioned in my previous message, the library that I
am wrapping is a symbolic algebra library where floats are inexact and
ints are exact numbers, roughly speaking. Trivial example: if I'd used
only double argument constructor:
then in Python
becomes inexact
while the library is designed to handle the above ratio as an exact
rational number
If I'd used only int argument constructor
then in python
becomes wrong
without any complaints.
> I ask because in general it would seem
> like a bad idea to implement different semantics for f(4) and f(4.0), and
> doubles tend to be able to represent all the values of an integer.
It depends on the application, I guess. In numerical applications
nobody represents integers by doubles for various reasons (efficiency,
accuracy, etc). I understand this can be feasible for a number of
applications that hardly deal with numerics or if they do then only with
floating point numerics. And therefore they don't care if int becomes
> > I don't know what is "CLOS-style multimethod.." (and therefore what
> > follows may be irrelevant)
> Maybe. See http://www.sff.net/people/neelk/open-source/Multimethod.py for a
> Python-oriented take.
Thanks for the reference.
> > but I don't see how your suggestion would solve
> > the problem in hand. That is, if a wrapped class A defines methods
> >
> > .foo(int)
> > .foo(float)
> >
> > and a class B has both __int__ and __float__ methods, then in Python
> >
> > A().foo(B())
> >
> > how can you tell which method, __int__ or __float__, should be called
> when
> > doing conversion? E.g. take B=int and then take B=float.
> I assume you mean the cases where B() returns int or float.
No. I mean that B() is an instance of the class B that represents either
int or float, or can be transformed to one. Take, for example, B is
Rational, or an arbitrary precision number.
> That's easy: Python int would correspond most-closely to C++ int, and
> Python float would correspond most-closely to C++ double.
I agree. But BPL does not seem to agree with that ;-)
> > In order to do it properly, at some point the responsible mechanism in
> > should check whether an instance B() has more an "int nature" or more a
> > "float nature". This is easy, in principle, if B is int or float (or
> > a subclass of int or float) but not obvious at all if B is, for example,
> > str
> neither the built-in function str() nor built-in strings have __int__ or
> __float__ methods, so in that case there would be no match at all.
And yet
>>> float("2.3")
>>> int("2")
so I didn't look in to details of how these numbers are constructed.
str was a bad example. Forget it.
> > or an user defined class that defines both __int__ and __float__
> > methods.
> In that case I would consider the call ambiguous.
Which is exactly the case for Python int and float:
>>> int.__int__
<slot wrapper '__int__' of 'int' objects>
>>> int.__float__
<slot wrapper '__float__' of 'int' objects>
>>> float.__float__
<slot wrapper '__float__' of 'float' objects>
>>> float.__int__
<slot wrapper '__int__' of 'float' objects>
> > Currently, I can workaround this by defining a single method
> >
> > .foo(PyObject*)
> >
> > and explicitly checking whether an object is int or float and doing
> > the appropiate conversion in that method. This approach works fine with
> > methods with int/float arguments and I am happy with that.
> I'm not, though ;-)
> > BUT, there is a real problem with constructors. Namely, one cannot define
> > an additional constructor (that is needed for being more explicit with
> > conversions for the same reasons as discussed above for methods)
> >
> > A(PyObject*)
> >
> > without introducing a lightweighted wrapper to a library class A.
> Well, of course there is a way, but it's not in the library's public
> interface.
And that way might be far over my C++ head ;-)
> > And that approach is unacceptable because it would mean that all methods
> > (that I would like to use from Python) of A, must be re-wrapped as
> > well.
> No, I don't think so. You only need to wrap them once in
> class_<A,A_wrapper>. It's only constructors which need to be duplicated in
> A_wrapper.
I tried that, but it didn't work out. I'll try to sketch the real
situation from my memory: the GiNaC library contains the following class
tree (only partially exposed here, see
for a complete tree):
class basic
class symbol(basic)
class numeric(basic)
class expairseq(basic)
class add(expairseq)
class ex /* this is an holder of basic's pointer and used to
pass different basic instances to various methods
as well as to return the results of calculations
In the BPL based wrapper I did
boost::python::module m("_ginac");
.def_init(boost::python::args<const GiNaC::ex &>())
.def_init(boost::python::args<const GiNaC::basic &>())
/* snip number of methods */
.def_init(boost::python::args<const GiNaC::basic &>())
/* snip number of methods */
boost::python::bases<GiNaC::basic> >("numeric")
.def_init(boost::python::args<const numeric &>())
/* Wished to have
/* snip methods */
It is not clear to me how to include
class numeric_wrapper: public GiNaC::numeric {
into this tree. If I remember correctly then
boost::python::bases<GiNaC::basic, numeric_wrapper> >("numeric")
.def_init(boost::python::args<const numeric &>())
didn't work because the constructor of numeric_wrapper was never called -
BPL seemed to forget the constructors of the parent classes (or again
choosed the first found match).
If the above still does not make sense, I'll try to produce a working
example of the above demonstrating my situation.
> > In my particular case the number of relevant methods can be more
> > than 50 and therefore this lightweighted wrapper would get quite
> > "heavy".
> I don't understand that part.
I meant that I ended up with implementing methods like
numeric_add_basic /* Though numeric is derived from basic, its
numeric_add_numeric arithmetics is done in a different route */
Similarly for mul,div,sub,pow,etc.
And then I noticed that the size of the wrapper was becoming close to the
size of the library itself, which stopped me and made me doubt if
this approach is a good one.
> > Now, the question is whether it is possible to introduce additional
> > constructors to library classes without deriving a new class for that?
< snip >
> > What do you think? Would the above be possible in principle?
> In principle. my_A_init has to build and install a Holder; it can't just
> return a new A copy... at least, that's the way the library works now.
Thanks for the hint. I'll try to figure out that if nothing else works.
still-not-convinced-that-bpl-cannot-wrap-real-libraries'ly yours
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