[C++-sig] Cygwin Boost.Python Build

Scott A. Smith ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu
Fri May 24 17:25:42 CEST 2002


I am trying to build Boost.Python using Cygwin under Windows.
There are a couple of glitches that those of you who do this often
can probably easily show me how to solve.

Whether in a Cygwin bash shell or in a Windows command shell I always
get errors in the build because the Python headers are not found.
Specifically Python.h and patchlevel.h.

Here are the details of what I have on my system:

1.) GCC version is 2.95.3-5 and works just fine.
2.) Python comes up in a bash shell as Python 2.2
3.) I put bjam.exe, pre-built for Window, in /usr/local/bin
    relative to what Cygwin calls root (C:\cygwin).
4.) The directory /usr/include/python2.2 seems to have the headers
    Python.h and patchelevel.h
5.) I did not build Python (yet), I just have what came with Cygwin.
6.) I put Boost 1.28.0 in C:\Program Files\Boost\boost

Now, can anyone tell me what I need for the following environment
variables? The values to the right are those suggested in the build
directions and those in () are the ones I assume are correct.

  PYTHON_ROOT       /usr/local                (?)
  PYTHON_VERSION                              (2.2)
  CYGWIN_ROOT                                 (C:\cygwin)

Since I did not really install python, i.e. Cygwin did this, I do
not have any Python files in /usr/local (as default settings for the above
variables use).



 Dr. Scott A. Smith
 Associate in Research
 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
 1800 East Paul Dirac Drive
 Tallahassee, FL 32310

 phone: (850) 644-6348
 FAX:   (850) 644-1366
 email: ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu

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