[C++-sig] Python + Boost Python V2 + downcasting
Nicolas Lelong
n_lelong at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 7 14:29:48 CET 2002
> > I even thought about implementing my own 'isinstance' function but
> > I'm not familiar enough with boost python & python !!... Any help or
> > advice will be _greatly_ appreciated :)
> Why do you need to do this? Such downcasting is usually the mark of a
> poor design.
Thanks for your reply,
I'm aware that this design decision may not be the best - but it suits the
needs I have for now... I have a tree structure representing hierarchical
dependencies between elements of a graphical system. The objects have a
similar base interface that is used to navigate through the graph - but each
class of item has a set a specific properties.
We decided to use a 'node class' identification system based on C++ RTTI
because we did not want to reinvent the weel. Now, if I really can't get the
correct info in Python, I'll have two choices:
- propose a change in the node class identification system (i'd rather not)
- drop Python (i'd rather not !).
I believe that there must be a way to extract to RTTI info from the object
holder as it is done to allow the call of a function that takes a
Derived&(or *) in parameter - it would help me going on in my Python
evaluation - before having to rethink the whole heart of the application !
Could you give me a few hints to create my own implementation of
'isinstance' as i don't have much time to investigate the boost python v2
internal structures ?
Thank you,
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