[C++-sig] Re: custom iterator object

Mike Rovner mike at bindkey.com
Thu Nov 7 21:03:42 CET 2002

> > I have the following class, implementing my iterator protocol:
> >
> > template<class T>
> > class Iter
> > {
> >     T* First();
> >     T* Next();
> > }
> > returning 0, when iteration is done.
> >
> Boost.Python provides several ways to wrap regular C++ iterators as
> Python iterators. Did you consider using those?

Sure I did, but couldn't figure out how to do it ;)
IMHO it's NOT a regular iterator because operations '*' and '++' are
combined into 'Next'.

> > I'm trying to wrap it to Python iterator protocol:
> What's "not good" about it?

I have problems with return value. In __iter__ I have to return self, but
there is no Python self yet in wrapping class.
So probably I have to duplicate part of the BPL iterator guts, but I got
lost :(


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