[C++-sig] operator problem

gaoyakun gaoyakun at sina.com
Thu Nov 14 04:00:26 CET 2002

I have exported my point3 class to python, with many overloaded operators. it works fine for me except the *= operator. it always tell me "can't multiply sequence with non int type". but if i use p1.__imul__(p2) instead of p1 *= p2, it successfully executed my code. what's wrong with me? this is some code of my point3 class
class point3
  .. ...
  point3 & operator *= (const point3 &p)
    v[0] *= p.v[0]; v[1] *= p.v[1]; v[2] *= p.v[2];
    return *this; 
  point3 & operator *= (float t)
    v[0] *= t; v[1] *= t; v[2] *= t;
    return *this;
in to_python.cpp:
... ...
.def(self *= self)
.def(self * self)
.def(self *= other<float>())
.def(self * other<float>())
... ...
what's the problem?

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