[C++-sig] MSVC project file [UPDATED]

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Nov 25 16:04:49 CET 2002

Brett Calcott <brett.calcott at paradise.net.nz> writes:

> Yeah, you didn't read the non-existent documentation :)
> There are two ways of setting include paths in VS. You can add them
> under: Project/Settings/C++/Preprocessor/Additional Include Directories
> which makes them project specific, or you can add them under the
> Tools/Options/Directories/Include Files, which makes them global to all
> projects. Given that people may put $BOOST_ROOT wherever they want, I
> typically define stlport and boost stuff at the global level, rather
> than expose my particular setup to the world. This means I can quickly
> switch versions too. *However*, as this file will exist within the boost
> tree, I can add the relative include path to the project file. 

I chose that particular location in the Boost tree based on the paths
I saw in your file, which seemed to indicate that it was to be located
in libs/python/<...>/<...>.

> I didn't think to do this as I had already got my global definition
> going. I will make this fix in the one I submit with the docs which
> should happen soonish...
> I have been quiet cos' I need to finish some writing - then I'll be
> back to look at this pointer stuff again too.

OK. Peter has made the get_deleter<D> patch I requested, so this is
going to be very exciting. I'll be happy to work with you on it.

                       David Abrahams
   dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com
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