[C++-sig] Re: Argument handling, char** in constructor

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Aug 27 12:55:36 CEST 2003

Wolfgang Langner <wl at flexis.de> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Wolfgang Langner <wl at flexis.de> writes:
>>>I use boost.python 1.30 with python 2.2.3 under Windows (VC6).
>>>My python module interfaces to a C++ class that has the following
>>>MyClass(int* argc = 0, char** argv = 0);
>>>In boost.python I exposed it with:
>>><some stuff> ...
>>>.def(init<optional<int*, char**> >())
>>>This works only if I have no arguments.
>>>The problem is, I have to pass arguments from the command line
>>>(called python programm) to the C++ class. (same as in main())
>>>First I tried to solve it with a small wrapper class that
>>>inherits from the C++ class and maps a python list of strings
>>>to that interface. But that don't work because the C++ class
>>>is a singleton.
>>>Are ther any suggestions to expose this class to python ?
>> Well, what do you expect to be able to pass to this class from
>> Python?
>> There are no built-in conversions from Python to char**.
>> I'm guessing you'd like to write:
>>    >>> MyClass(['arg1', 'arg2'])
>> ??
> Yes, that's right. So I have an easy to use interface for the python class.
>> I have an item on the TODO list which should address that need
>> (http://www.boost-consulting.com/boost/libs/python/todo.html#injected-constructors)
>> but I am not precisely sure that it will work for you because of the
>> "singleton" issue.  What does that mean in your case?  Can MyClass
>> instances be allocated on the heap?
> The item on the TODO list seems to bee usefull for me.
> I investigate it and read more about the thread.
> For the singelton issue, I need more time to look at it.
> It's also possible for me to change the C++ class, because I have
> the full code (but it's still closed source).
> The heap allocation is a good idea, I try it.

It wasn't a suggestion; I don't see how you'd take advantage of it.
I wanted to know because if someone implements the TODO item and you
want to use it, you'd need to be able to allocate your class on the

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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