[C++-sig] Re: Unresolved external symbols with Visual C++ 7.0 and 7.1

Patrick Hartling patrick at vrac.iastate.edu
Sat Aug 30 17:32:36 CEST 2003

David Abrahams wrote:
> Patrick Hartling <patrick at vrac.iastate.edu> writes:
>>I based my compiler and linker commands on the output from running jam
>>with the -n option, as suggested by the documentation:
>>cl /nologo /TP /Zm800 /GR /GX /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /GX /GR /MDd
>>/IC:\cygwin\home\patrick\bpl-vc71\include /IC:\Python22\include /I. /c
>>link /nologo/DEBUG /subsystem:console /incremental:no /dll
>>/out:test.pyd /implib:test.lib
>>/LIBPATH:C:\cygwin\home\patrick\bpl-vc71\lib /LIBPATH:C\Python22\libs
>>boost_python.lib test.obj
>>What I am missing or doing wrong?
> Probably just that you're not precisely duplicating what bjam does.
> Have you checked that carefully?

Upon closer inspection, I found that, in spite of my best efforts, there
was a mismatch between the compiler versions.  That is, Visual C++ 7.1
was being used to link against a Boost.Python build created with Visual
C++ 7.0.  There is some path mangling happening somewhere that I need to
track down.  Sorry for the noise.

> I can't imagine it failing to make a module that simple work, since I
> do it just about every day.

That's why I've been feeling so frustrated.  :)


Patrick L. Hartling                     | Research Assistant, VRAC
patrick at vrac.iastate.edu                | 2624 Howe Hall: 1.515.294.4916
http://www.137.org/patrick/             | http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/

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