[C++-sig] Building boost.python on Mac OS X

Harri Hakula Harri.Hakula at hut.fi
Mon Jan 13 14:46:25 CET 2003

I've followed this thread with interest. Here's what I've done:
I had missed the post by Rivera
and ended up reproducing his work...

My environment:
Python 2.3a1 framework build
Mac OS X 10.2.3
Apple Dec 2002 Development tools
Snapshot of boost, Jan 5, 2003

I used the darwin toolset and Boost.Python compiles fine, including the 
However, it appears that argument passing does not work. For instance 
the getting_started1.cpp compiles but hangs when imported to python. 
int square(int number) { return number * number; }
int square() { return 4; }
compiles and runs as expected.

Any ideas?


	Harri Hakula

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